Saturday, December 28, 2019
Media and Technology Representation - 1236 Words
The movie Where Do We Go Now? by Nadine Labaki had won lots of awards in the Cannes Film Festival (Fares 2). The movie was thought provoking and simply beautiful. The movie was about war torn villages wherein Christians and Muslims are having personal conflicts and are plaguing the whole village at large. The conflict had mixed effect in the whole habitants of the village and the women on the movie are trying to keep off men from each other’s throat. The movie was all about the coexistence of Lebanese Muslim and Christians living in one community. The issue was felt by everyone as it was overtly done. The movie had shown the struggles face by the people in their diverse community. The village was very quiet and far from the noises of the outside world. With only one bridge that connects the place to the outside world, the whole village was very much ancient and considered as very rudimentary. Because it was offset from the outside world, media and technology was slow and almos t non-effective. Television reception was very weak and signal was very poor. The movie had started with young children seeking for a broadcast signal because the town folks have already settled to watch the night shows. However, since the signal reception was bad, the people felt very uncomfortable with the television. The whole community had been divided into Christians and Muslim and their churches are just a house apart. Because of the set-up, there are times that people are not happy living withShow MoreRelatedEvaluating The Medias Representations Of Science And Technology With Focus On Female Scientists3502 Words  | 15 Pagescritically evaluating the medias representations of science and technology with focus on female scientists in Film. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Global Geopolitics of Fracking in Australia Essay - 581 Words
Geopolitics of Fracking in Australia As Australia’s energy demands rise along with a rising population it is likely that fossil fuel consumption will also rise despite concerns about climate change. This energy demand as well as government debt has seen the start of hydraulic fracturing in Queensland. The development of coal seam gas is to create thousands of jobs while providing a boost to the state’s economy. Many Australian landowners are allowing the fracking on their properties because they will receive income from the well (De Rijke 2013). The decision of the government to commence fracking has been opposed by the wider public. Local governments are virtually powerless to stop fracking as this power lies with the Australian state and†¦show more content†¦But not everywhere is fracking a viable extraction technique. Blackwill and O’sullivan’s paper states, â€Å"The fracking revolution required more than just favourable geology; it also took financiers with a tolerance for risk , a property-rights regime that let landowners claim underground resources, a network of service providers and delivery infrastructure, and an industry structure characterized by thousands of entrepreneurs rather than a single national oil company.†The paper declares that although many countries around the world have the shale gas, aside from the USA and Canada, no other countries have the right industrial environment in order to have hydraulic fracturing expand as rapidly. Political Opposition to Fracking Across the world, protest groups are gaining momentum in the fight against Fracking. Many concerns among the local populations include fears for industrialized landscapes, increased power of multinational enterprises, ground and surface water pollution, food production and general human and environmental health (De Rijke 2013). These are becoming important issues to the general public. The increasing awareness about the dangers of fracking are being told from media sources such as the documentary â€Å"Gasland.†The film directed by Josh Fox, about was nominated for an Academy Award 2011. The documentary is famous for showing tap water burst into flames due to methane gas contamination. To date, fracking has not been very well regulated.Show MoreRelatedU.s. Lng Exportation Policy And The Wto8704 Words  | 35 Pages Consistently Inconsistent: U.S. LNG Exportation Policy and the WTO MICHAEL P. SMITH Efficiency advances in natural gas extraction and development, as well as a shift in global economics, have led to a surge in global liquefied natural gas (LNG) demand in the United States. At the same time, pervasive environmental concerns heighten the stakes for expanding upstream natural gas development and downstream LNG exportation. While
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Cultural Achievements of the Italian Renaissance Sample Essay Example For Students
Cultural Achievements of the Italian Renaissance Sample Essay Humanism was a key movement in the Renaissance and had a major influence on the cultural changes and achievements. Humanists studied history; they were particularly interested in Ancient Greek and Roman civilization, and classical works, as well as in contemporary history and politics. Although the Humanists were Catholic, their ideas were more secular learning emerged from the cloister To rejoin the human mainstream. The humanist ideas soon spread into the classroom. Previously, learning had been ecclesiastical theocracy and theology were taught a lot but during the Renaissance, learning became more secular. It was based upon classical culture so students studied classical authors, philosophers and mathematicians, for example: Via, Cicero, Ill, Plato and Aristotle. More progress could be made now that learning was not entirely based upon the church. Ideas soon spread due to the invention of the printing press in Germany in 1469; an ability to communicate to the masses quickly and reliably was a major cultural achievement. Books became much more accessible, and this in turn was a factor in many people learning to read and write. Before printing, most people were illiterate and very few kooks were in existence, as they had to be hand-written. Often the only book available was the Bible, which was copied out over a long period of time by a member of the clergy. Mass production of books was a very important development during the Renaissance as it meant that all the new ideas were obtainable to many more people than would have been the case, had printing not been invented. Authors of the time include Dante (poetry) and Machiavelli (prose). The famous Book of the Courtier by Castigation, goes into great detail about the attributes of the ideal courtier. Some of Hess attributes had only come to be regarded as important during the Renaissance, due to the sudden interest in, and ideas about culture: he should have a knowledge of Greek and Latin very well acquainted with the poets Orators and historians. The Renaissance was only able to happen due to the large sums of money in Italy at the time. The Arts had many rich patrons such as the Church, the guilds, local governments and councils, courts and individuals (such as the Medici family of Florence). The Church frowned upon those whose Job involved making an excess refit out of people; this applied to many trades in the Renaissance, including banking. In an attempt to be forgiven, the rich tradesmen would offer to pay for a new work of art (for example, a new chapel) for the Church. Naturally, the Church did not object to this, and so many beautiful pieces of art were created. As well as devotion to God, other reasons why so much money was spent on art were because it could be a way of boasting about how much money you had, and showing pride, well spent. One of the most important cultural developments during the Renaissance occurred n the visual arts: due to the Rebirth of the classics, artists had a new understanding of anatomy, which inspired them to carve nude figures so as to display how accurately they were now able to depict muscles and Joints. Some sculptures even dissected corpses to discover how the human body works, Just as anatomists had done in Ancient Greek and Roman times. It was a similar case with paintings of humans they were infinitely more lifelike than they had been during the Middle Ages. Many of the artists whom are nowadays considered the greatest of al time, lived and worked in Italy during the Renaissance. The painter and sculptor, Michelangelo, is best known for two particular art works. He was commissioned by Pope Julius II to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (between 1508- 1512). The RenaissanceHe also created the marble statue of David (Renaissance sculptors copied the style of Ancient Rome by using marble as their material). Architecture also copied the classical Roman building styles. Humanism also had an affect on music. Music moved away from Catholicism: composers wrote both sacred and secular music, and hymns were no longer always Ritter in Latin they had more appeal to the public when written in their own national language which they could understand. Patrons decided that they wanted music for entertainment purposes, and hymns became a lot more cheerful, some of the underlying melodies actually originating from ditties that had been heard in the local public house! During the Renaissance, the past (specifically during the times of Ancient Greece and Rome) was studied in detail; after rediscovering the past, we could move on, having achieved many things culturally: new inventions, new methods and most importantly new ideas.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Employees Motivation Essay Example For Students
Employees Motivation Essay Employees MotivationA business seeks profit by provided customers with goods and services (Schoell, et al 15). There are various types of businesses that differ according to their ownership. The three basic forms of private ownership businesses are the sole proprietorship (i.e. sole trader), partnership, and corporation (Schoell, et al 132). The type of ownership that a business organization would apply is dependent on the owners financial status and objectives. Apart from the different types of ownerships, there are various styles of management and leadership. The organizations management and leadership style has a great effect on the working environment and the employees motivation. The development of an optimal leadership style and managerial skills that is the most appropriate to an organization is crucial, having a major effect on its life span. The working environment affects the employees motivation, which in turn influences the overall progress and well being of the organization. According to a management consultant, called Peter Economy, It all comes down to keeping employees enthusiastic and energized, which is accomplished by developing a leadership style that would endorse the ideal environment in the business firm (Buchanan 1). A Managers leadership style contributes directly to the subordinates motivation and work satisfaction, and the work progress in the organization. There are two types of leadership styles, one that is task-oriented and the other that is employee-oriented. A manager with a task-oriented style will have work results as his biggest concerns; and therefore, he will develop rigid regulations that would lead the subordinates into working their tasks, exactly as he taught them, to reach his desired results. On the other hand, the manager with an employee-oriented manner will be concerned with the employees condition. This managers objective is to boost the employees self-esteem and persuade them on working together to help him in decision-making and on ways to solve problems. However, not all leaders develop a style that is an absolute task-oriented or employee-oriented, their style is consisted of different characteristics from each styles. Hence a manager would be referred to as a more tas k-oriented or a more employee-oriented, rather than solely describing him as either one (Schoell, et al 284). There are three main types of leadership styles that shape all kinds of leaders. The three types are the autocratic, democratic, and free-reign styles of leadership. The autocratic style of leadership would be considered the most task-oriented type, in which the manager carry out all the decision-making process without any consultations from subordinates. Communication is one-way, where the work provided by the manager is to be done without any modifications by the subordinates. In this style of leadership, the delegation of authority is centralized, meaning that the decision-making is only performed by top-line managers and is rarely delegated to subordinates along the chain of command (Bovee, et al 476-8). The democratic leadership style is more of a participative type of leadership (Schoell, et al 286). It is a two-way communication leadership, in which employees are allowed to contribute in the decision-making; however, the manager makes the final decision. The delegation of auth ority in this style of leadership is less centralized and more decentralized than in the autocratic style. Employees feel more flexible, since they are allowed to modify in the methods of accomplishing the tasks and to contribute in the decision-making. This changes the working environment; making it an environment with a lot of team working, where each employee feels that he plays an essential role in the well being of the business (Bovee, et al 476-8). The free-reign style of leadership is the most lenient style, in which the employees have the complete freedom by having the right of making the final decision-making. When assigned tasks, they finish them using their desired method, making the final decision and adding any innovations. The leader creates a very friendly environment where each subordinate is accountable for his job, without the involvement of the leader, except in some situations. However, the manager in this case adopts this style of leadership when there is great honesty and trust between the employees and managers. Ideal leaders follow the motivational theories to enhance the working environment and to make the employees not only satisfied, but also highly motivated. Employees motivation is the force that initiates, directs, and sustains personal behaviors and actions, which is the force that moves employees and managers to higher performance (Bovee, et al 436). There were different motivational theorists, which included Maslows hierarchy of needs, Herzbergs two-factor theory, Mayo, and Taylors Hawthorne effects. Abraham Maslow believed that the human needs are all categorized in his hierarchy of needs. He addresses that to become highly motivated, one has to have climbed a ladder of needs by satisfying each need. His hierarchy is consistent of five categories, which include the physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization (Bovee, et al. 440). The physiological needs lie in the lowest level in his hierarchy. These needs are the basic human needs, such as the need for shelter, w armth, food, and drink. A person that is not satisfied with these needs will not be interested in moving on to the higher-level needs. As these needs are satisfied, one pursues the safety needs. The safety needs are the needs for security, the protection from deprivation and from danger. The social needs come after the fist two needs have been met. They are the needs for affection, friendship and companionship. Once these levels of needs are satisfied, one seeks for recognition so as to satisfy his ego needs. Self-actualization needs are at the highest level of the hierarchy, the hardest to reach, and never completely achieved (Schoell, et al 293-4). Essay About RacismIdeal leaders follow the motivational theories to enhance the working environment and to make the employees not only satisfied, but also highly motivated. Employees motivation is the force that initiates, directs, and sustains personal behaviors and actions, which is the force that moves employees and managers to higher performance (Bovee, et al 436). There were different motivational theorists, which included Maslows hierarchy of needs, Herzbergs two-factor theory, Mayo, and Taylors Hawthorne effects. Abraham Maslow believed that the human needs are all categorized in his hierarchy of needs. He addresses that to become highly motivated, one has to have climbed a ladder of needs by satisfying each need. His hierarchy is consistent of five categories, which include the physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization (Bovee, et al. 440). The physiological needs lie in the lowest level in his hierarchy. These needs are the basic human needs, such as the need for shelter, warmth, food, and drink. A person that is not satisfied with these needs will not be interested in moving on to the higher-level needs. As these needs are satisfied, one pursues the safety needs. The safety needs are the needs for security, the protection from deprivation and from danger. The social needs come after the fist two needs have been met. They are the needs for affection, friendship and companionship. Once these levels of needs are satisfied, one seeks for recognition so as to satisfy his ego needs. Self-actualization needs are at the highest level of the hierarchy, the hardest to reach, and never completely achieved (Schoell, et al 293-4). Herzbergs two-factor theory is a further step of Maslows theory. Fredrick Herzberg, who is also a psychologist, divided Maslows hierarchy of needs into two sets of needs, a higher-level set of needs and a lower-level set of needs. He named the hygienes to be the incentive factors that would satisfy the lower set of needs (Schoell, et al 294). They are factors in the working environment itself, such as the working conditions, regulations, interpersonal relations, pay, and supervision. For example, (Bovee, et al 443). However, the incentives that would fulfill the higher-level of needs are called the motivators (Schoell, et al 294). Business Essays
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Futurism Essay Example
Futurism Essay The article discussed the establishment of Futurism. It narrates how the movement began and the rationale behind its foundation. Through the words of Marinetti himself, readers are able to understand how he and others came about the realization that a change in the mindset of people was needed. He tells the story of the events leading up to the establishment of movement. More importantly, the article lays down the manifesto of Futurism.The beginning of the article is the story of how Marinetti and his friends began to lay down the foundations of Futurism. The first few paragraphs discuss the near-death encounters of Marinetti and his friends. More importantly, Marinetti explains how such events did not deter them from their quest to announce to the world their intentions and the changes they want to make to the prevailing ideologies in society.The article then lists down the elements of the Manifesto of Futurism. The manifesto contains 11 statements that detail the beliefs that the m ovement has. These elements basically point to the ideology that people should avoid looking back at the past and instead, look ahead to the future. The manifesto states that Marinetti and his friends intend to tackle the dangers and uncertainty of the future head on with courage, audacity, and revolt. Furthermore, it calls for aggressiveness in facing the future events. Another important element in the manifesto is the call for glorification of war, militarism, and patriotism. Also, the manifesto calls for the destruction of museums, libraries, and academies. In the same statement, Marinetti and company indicate their intentions to battle movements that they feel are derogatory such as moralism and feminism. The futurists believe that these movements signify opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice.Having laid down the principles of Futurism, Marinetti moved on to justifying the rationale behind their beliefs. He states that the movement will be launched from Italy. He outlined the p urpose of the movement by saying, â€Å"We want to free this land from its smelly gangrene of professors, archeologists, ciceroni, and antiquarians.†Marinetti believed that museums and libraries only held back the courage of facing the future. He did not see the use of visiting libraries and museums for he believed that looking back at elements of the past will only lead people to be â€Å"exhausted, shrunken, and beaten down.†He then compared visits to museums to the prolonged supervision of parents of their children. He believed that just like the latter, visiting museums only hinders the growth and development of the talents and skills of the young. Marinetti then clearly stated that he, together with other Futurists, wants no part of the past. The latter part of the article calls for people to join the Futurists. Marinetti calls upon all others to join in flooding museums and in setting fire to library shelves.Marinetti believed that when he grows older, his succe ssors will have no use for him and his friends. He understands and accepts that the younger generation will, â€Å"Throw us in the wastebasket like useless manuscripts.†More importantly, he wants it to happen for he believes that at that point he has become an element of the past and will not be of any use to anyone.Marinetti ends his article with a statement against the movement’s critics and detractors. He states their refusal to be affected by the criticism for they do not care about what others says. He ends his writing with the statement, â€Å"Erect on the summit of the world, once again we hurl our defiance to the stars!â€
Sunday, November 24, 2019
buy custom Exploration of the Arab-American Muslim Community essay
buy custom Exploration of the Arab-American Muslim Community essay Arab-Americans comprise an ethnicity consisting of groups of people from 22 countries spread across south-west Asia and North Africa. Some refer to them as Middle Eastern. These people immigrated to America during the 19th century and continue to do so up to date, albeit in smaller numbers. The majority of the easily identified Arab-Americans are Muslims even though they are the minority of the community. The Muslim Arab-Americans mostly stand out because of their religious and traditional practices. The noticeable practices of the Muslim Arabs are: Ramadan fasting, attending of Mosque on Friday, among others. These people also commonly stand out because of their dressing especially the women who wear hijabs or burqas. The burqa is an enveloping and modest attire that covers the body from head to toe and is mostly worn by Islamic women in public. The men also sometimes spot long beards. Unlike other foreign cultures and ethnicities in the United States, the Arab American Muslims have maintained their traditions; consistently passing them onto their children. This being evident from the learning that takes place in open Islamic private schools (Samhan). These noticeable features coupled with the fact that these Muslim Arabs do not inter-marry, makes the community an easy target for discrimination and bigotry. Their distinguishing features have also formed the basis of the stereotyping of Arab Muslims living in America. Hamza, Yaseen, El-Houbi, Duncan and Diaz (18) explain that most media channels in the early years typecast Arab Muslims as billionaires, bombers with veiled harems and long beards. Most of these stereotypes have since been done away with but the image of a Muslim bomber or terrorist has remained. The US census classifies the Arabs as whites but some Arabs especially the Muslims have felt discriminated against. This has mostly been experienced since the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. There was however discrimination of Arab Muslims pre the September 11 attacks. The first wave of Arab American immigrants was confronted with discrimination on the simple ground that they were foreign but it was not that rampant. The Arab-Israeli conflict increased bias against the Middle Eastern culture owing to the fact that America supported Israel. Discrimination against Arab American Muslims was also experienced because of the war that America had been fighting in Iraq against Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was a dictator who had committed heinous crimes against humanity and was finally captured and hanged by the US government in 2006. These images of dictators and wars from Middle East had served as a way of stereotyping Middle Eastern people since that was the only way they were portrayed by the media. Discrimination against Arab-Americans was however not so pronounced as that of the other races and ethnicities such as blacks and Hispanics. Discrimination however increased with the images in the media and also terror attacks such as the 1993 bombing of World Trade Centre. A new wave of stereotyping and extreme bias became evident following the terrorist attacks in New York in 2001. This discrimination was based on the fact that the terror gang in Afghanistan identified as Al Qaeda was said to be responsible for the twin attacks. The hijackers of the planes that crashed into the twin towers were all identified as Muslims. The attacks saw Muslim Arabs in America all pigeonholed as terrorists. This was mostly seen in the airports where some even refused to board planes with a Muslim passenger. There has also been closer scrutiny of immigrants from Middle East. In some airports, the Muslim Arabs have been subjected to stricter standards. Personally, I must admit that after the terror attacks, I became more alert and conscious about the Muslims around me. The terror attacks made Americans angry as many had lost their lives and some still suffer the adverse effects of the tragedy. In some States, it was reported that Muslims were insulted in public and atta cked. Mosques were also vandalized and burnt in some places. Extreme hatred and contempt was also shown to anyone who associated themselves with the Arab Muslims. The attacks created an image of bloodthirsty, religious fanatic and animalistic Arab Muslims which saw their discrimination rampantly increase. The Council of American Islamic Relations reported that after 2001, hate crimes against Muslims tripled. The American government also closed down six charities belonging to American Muslims, following the attacks. There has also been unconscious discrimination in the criminal justice system where there has been detention and torture of suspected terrorists and this has mostly been applicable to Arab American Muslims. This was mostly seen in the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison. The stereotypes of Arab American Muslims according to the findings of this research are not true. Other studies have also proved that Arab American Muslims are very different from the terrorists. There are also many Arab American Muslims who have spoken openly against jiha and other extremist behavior. Most Muslims advocate that Islam is a religion of peace. Arab American Muslims are also from various countries with various cultures. They do not all come from Afghanistan or war torn areas. It was however observed in my research that Islam calls for modesty and conservatism and that is why the women have to cover their heads. The men do not however have to spot long beards or look like Osama bin Laden. The Arab American Muslim community is as diverse as any other community and they do not all fit in one pigeonhole. Having viewed movies and documentaries about the Middle East and especially the Muslim community, I had formed opinions and stereotypes about them. The September 11, 2001 also shaped most of my opinions about the community. I had not interacted with people of this community before, and there was no way of verifying the ideas and concepts that I had gathered from the media. This research has however helped me to interact with some members of the Arab American Muslim community. I have conducted interviews on their thoughts on racial bias in America and how at home they feel in America especially after the 2001 attacks. I have also visited websites such as which elaborate on the Arab American culture and dispels some of the myths held about the community in America. To fully understand the extent of the discrimination and the daily struggles of Muslim Arabs in America, I had to immerse myself in their culture. I decided to be one of the Muslims for a whole week. This meant t elling people that I was Muslim and dressing like one. I also walked together with the Muslim group of people that I had chosen to help me with the research. This experience proved to be quite enlightening and challenging at the same time. It was also worthwhile and gave me the opportunity to be able to experience everything first hand. Methodology The cyberspace has a lot of information on the Arab American Muslim community. This is where most of the information on this research was obtained from. The interviews with the Muslims were also a reliable and first hand source of information on the group. The research also relied on journal articles and television interviews and popular shows. As has been mentioned above, I researched about the Muslim Arab community by becoming one of them. The Muslim group of people who were my interviewees also served as my guides in order to make the experience more real. Everywhere we went, people understood that I was one of the Muslims and treated me as one. The Muslim community treated me with utmost hospitality even though they understood that I was not one of them. There were however stares from strangers on the streets and a shopkeeper once refused to serve us on the basis that he did not support terrorists. The discrimination was disheartening as it felt like an ambush on me even though I knew I was not a Muslim. This was the part that brought some apprehension on my part. This is because no one likes to be attacked or be discriminated against. The anxiety was also heightened by the outright confrontations from some members of the public some of whom clearly showed their disapproval of Islam. There was also anxiety at first about how the Muslims would respond to the issue of segregation, given the fact that it is still an emotive issue. I also had my doubts on the consequences of posing as a Muslim in America. The immersion however helped me get closer to the Muslim community and it helped develop a sense of trust between me and my Muslim colleagues. The Arab Muslims that I had interacted with also helped to point the places where they faced acute discrimination and emphasized that that was their daily struggle. During the interaction I found a peculiar thing that I did not expect. There were some Arab Muslims who had chosen to completely abandon their culture as a way of avoiding stereotyping and discrimination. There were also others who wished to go back to their countries of origin as they were afraid of profiling by the government. There were others who also secretly wished they were born in a different race as they were completely disgusted by the terrorists. This presented an issue of hatred of ones own race or ethnicity. I also asked the research group if they ever thought that the discrimination would come to an end eventually and if the law against discrimination was working in their favour. Most of them were of the idea that the discrimination was unlikely to end in this decade and that anti-discrimination laws did not seem to protect them from outright bias. They felt that the government had removed civil protection of Arab Muslims in America since the September 11 attacks. Findings My observations and interviews led me to the conclusion that the Arab American Muslim community has faced tremendous discrimination since 2001. The discrimination has been open in most cases and has led to serious psychological problems for some, for example the case of the man who disowned his ethnicity and Islam. Most of the Muslims would want to dispel the myth that they are all terrorists and extremists. My research on the Muslim culture also revealed that some of the Muslims were fourth generation Americans who had lived in America for a long period of time. They knew America as their home yet when they were seen on the streets people misconceived them as foreigners and worst still terrorists. The discrimination has had impact on the identity of some of the Muslims. Cainkar (23) states that some have preferred to conceal their identity by changing their names, for example one could change from Farouq to Fred. Others have also gone as far as disowning their families in order not to be identified with them. This has been made possible by the fact that Arab American Muslims without any other distinguishing features are considered Caucasian. The interviews and internet research also revealed that the government did not have a strong enough policy to curb the hate crimes and extreme discrimination against the Arab Muslims in America. This has mainly been attributed to the fact that in some cases, the government has been the biased party. The Muslims also revealed that they felt that the government viewed them as the enemies or relatives of the enemies. I also interviewed some members of the public on why they stereotyped Arab American Muslims as terrorists. Some people answered that even though they knew some of the Muslims were not terrorists, then maybe a brother or other relative back home was, making them equally terrorist. This reasoning appalled me because it seemed that going by this, then the families of the millions of criminals in America would also b e considered as criminals. The investigations also revealed that airports have been worst sites of discrimination for Arab American Muslims. This is because of the fact that the September 11 attacks were as a result of two planes that had been hijacked. The presence of a Muslim has therefore heightened anxiety at the airport and in some cases there are special security checks for them. Some are even removed from planes to be given thorough checking. This has culminated to less Muslim Arabs travelling into the country and within the country. The US Department of Justice issued an internal memo to the Immigration and Naturalization Service and US Customs in June 2002. This memo requested that Yemenis entering the US should be sought out in the airports and searched thoroughly. This requirement also applied to Yemeni Americans, and it saw many Yemeni travelers removed from planes and prevented from boarding. No stereotypes that I had before were confirmed during my exploration of the Arab American Muslim communit y. I realized at the end of the day that no human being is exactly the same as the other. Regardless of the many factors that bind people in a particular ethnicity or race, there were many other different characteristics distinguishing each individual. To work from further judgment of the Arab Americans more so the Muslims, I have decided to access websites and read books to know more about the culture. The colleagues I made from the investigation have also immensely helped me understand many of the things I did not. Conclusion This exploration project has helped me to find out a lot more than I could write in this paper. It has also helped me discover more about myself and my own culture. I learnt that discrimination can have far reaching consequences that society does not contemplate. I also learnt that stereotyping and segregation is painful and I understood civil rights movements such as that of Martin Luther King much more clearly. The discrimination of Arab American Muslims has been under-addressed unlike that of blacks in the earlier years. This is mainly because of the terrorist attacks and this has generated pain and suffering. It is clear that many Americans died during the September 2001 attacks, but hatred and segregation of innocent people will definitely not solve the problem of terrorism. The real terrorist culprits should be captured, investigated and sentenced. This was exercised during the Oklahoma City 1998 bombings, where the real culprits were captured. Whidden (2829) states that the Ok lahoma City bombings were the worst in Americas history. He also states that Arab American terrorists have been responsible for only a few bombings in American soil since 1984; most terrorist attacks being executed by Americans themselves. This is not to condone or promote terrorism but what I learnt is that in the same way one would not want to pay for the mistakes of another person, Arab Muslims in America would not want to pay for the mistakes of the Al Qaeda or any other terrorist group. Justice should be afforded to all American citizens regardless of their race or ethnicity. There have however been some positive changes since the 2001 attacks and Americans are trying to learn more about Islam. We have to look for the commonalities that unite as Americans instead of erecting differences and tolerating each other (Jamal). Buy custom Exploration of the Arab-American Muslim Community essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Response Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Response Paper - Assignment Example The theme of the article is geographical structure of river of Colorado and the flooding nature of the river .The article describes about the disastrous effect of the river on the lives of the residents of the valley. The article unleashes the studies and research done to understand the flooding nature of the Colorado River. The theme of the entire article is the river flooding and its effect on people.The questions which can be raised regarding this reading are : The authors of this article are climatologists of America and are expertise in their field. They are also environmentalist who studies the varying condition of environment and its effect on the inhabitants of native land. This research study is a combined effort of scientist and other experts of scientific world. The authors have put great effort in conducting the research and also have considered many facts while studying the issue. The key words here are natives, climate, economic condition, and environment. The article is all about the environmental condition of Native American land and it effect on the indigenous people. The theme of the article is the environmental condition and the effect of it on their livelihood the researchers in this article discuss about the importance of cultural sites, wild life and natural resources. The article studies about the adverse effect of climate and weather condition and the effect of it on the economy of native people. The questions which can be raised regarding this reading are : Vulnerability of Pyramid Lake Indian Water Rights under Climate Change: Analysis of Perception, Power, and Influencer ability of Pyramid Lake Indian Water Rights under Climate Change: Analysis of Perception, Power, and Influence This article which is also about geological nature has many authors to it and also the article is a combined effort from them.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Career and Technical Education Challenges in the 21st Century Research Paper
Career and Technical Education Challenges in the 21st Century - Research Paper Example The career of a person is interdependent upon the field and area of the technical education he or she opts to select and get higher education. High schools play an essential and vital role for the career guidance of the students. In addition, they have developed into central body of interest and awareness for the improvement and development of the learning of the students (Sunal &Â Mutua, pp. 1-9). The potential expectations of providing of career and technical education at the advanced level in the schools have come under many grave arguments and discussions on regional, and country levels. However, several countries and government are becoming conscious and aware about the tasks and job that a high school performs in the development of the career and technical education for a student, therefore, the program of study are coming under reformation as a part of the curriculum. The focus and emphasis by the high schools are on to the broad range of professional occupations that are in high-demand in the industry and that are high-earning careers. In addition, many of the advanced level schools are provide the students with the opportunity of exposure to these wide ranged professions existing in the world of commerce (Kazis &Â Jobs for the Future, Inc & Aspen Institute, pp. 10-15). It can come under adequate conclusion that the tendency and ability of attainment, accomplishments and achievements augments for those students who receive career and technical education and learning in their schools of advanced level. In addition, as they pass out with better grades in contrast to the students who do not get the opportunities to have such teaching (Kazis &Â Jobs for the Future, Inc & Aspen Institute, 23-30). As discrimination especially with the immigrants and minorities is one of the major factors that come under the experience in the professional world, but with the career and technical training offered and obtainable to them will lead to
Monday, November 18, 2019
Cultural Differences Study Of Brazil, China, And Nigeria Essay
Cultural Differences Study Of Brazil, China, And Nigeria - Essay Example This can be a big challenge given the presence of numerous languages from Chinese Mandarin to Brazilian Portuguese, the best way to deal with this is to have an all inclusive mode of communication that can be understood across the board and makes sure all the stakeholders understand what is expected of them.Considering the opportunities and the challenges that have been outlined earlier in this report it is important for the company to adapt to the cultural needs of these countries. These three countries each have their own way of doing business and the best approach should not be a general approach. In China and Nigeria, there exist traditional values that maintain the hierarchal system and all these factors have to be considered when coming up with a management system that fits all these different cultures. At the main office, the workers have a lot of freedom and freely interact with their superiors. The opportunities are an indication that the company should expand to these areas to take advantage of these factors, however, the challenges should also be considered and ways to tackle them clearly established. This is because they may prevent the growth of the business in these markets if they are not properly dealt with at the beginning. This process should be taken as a learning process and should be done carefully so that all the expected results are achieved. There should be different approaches to cater for these three different cultures because people in these countries react differently to information.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Technical Writing in Computer Hardware Electronics
Technical Writing in Computer Hardware Electronics What is Technical Writing? Technical writing is a style of formal writing used in various fields as diverse as computer hardware and software, chemistry, aerospace industry, robotics, finance, consumer electronics and biotechnology. In short it is conveying specific information about a technical subject to a specific audience for a specific purpose. Presentation of information is indeed very important as it helps the reader in solving a particular problem or in understanding a particular technology or product. The words and graphics of technical writing are meant to be practical i.e., they should be able aid in communicating in simple terms; a body of factual information that will help the audience understand a subject or carry out a task. DDLC DDLC stands for document development life cycle; it is a linear collection of several phases that are used by a technical writer to create a clear, concise, informative and well structured technical document. Conceptual knowledge of DDLC is crucial in creating good technical documents and thereby in achieving success in the field of technical writing. Various phases of DDLC are: Requirement Specification The Requirement specification phase is all about content collection and content representation. It involves determining Audience who is going to benefit from this document or who is going to use the document? Time The time frame and various deadlines to be followed through the entire project Quantity/Number of pages The size or number of pages in the document. Tools The tools to be used for creating the document. Document type whether the doc is a user manual or help guide etc. Templates The templates and style guides to be used in preparing the document Reference Documents The reference documents client might provide to aid in the creation of the document. A lot of times the, thewriter must usually interview the user as well as a subject matter expert (SME) to get detailed information and to find out what is needed or required. In the case of writing software documents the writer is supposed to interview or talk to the programmers and whereas to write about hardware, the writer talks to an engineer, technician or manager. The method of conducting the interview may vary from just talking with the person and taking down notes to tape recording the conversation. It is a good practice to have a list of questions on hand during the interviews with the SMEs or other technicians. Other sources include the internet, reference documents etc. The tools that are to be used in making the document are decided on the basis of the document type. For example, RoboHelp is used for creating online user guides and MS-Word is used in creating user manuals. Audience Analysis The complexity of a document is decided by the audience it caters to. Audience analysis phase involves determining the audience level. This can be done by either talking to the developers of the particular product or technology or through the SME. Also we can learn more about the audience level by talking to those the product is intended for. Formally, audience can be categorized into three levels based on how much they already know about the product or the technology. Novice A novice user is completely new to the technology or product the document is about and usually has very little or no knowledge about it. Documents intended for these kinds of audience need to contain everything about the technology starting from the very basics. Mediocre A mediocre user has a general knowledge about what the product is all about but need to Technical / Experts An expert or technical user has an in depth knowledge of the product , technology or software and is usually looking for only particular information. Product Analysis Product analysis phase involves deciding which of the two approaches presented below is more appropriate in writing about the technology / software. Menu driven Thematic approach Document Flow The purpose of this phase is creating an outline for the required document i.e., creating the skeletal framework of the document. A skeletal framework usually includes Preface or introduction, Table of Contents and figures, Chapter information and sequence, bibliography, index etc. All the elements of the document are ordered serially to prepare the Table of Contents (TOC) . The output of this phase is to produce a clear view of how the document will be structured. Gathering Information Now that the technical writer has a skeletal framework, he needs to gather the information required to fill in the blanks. For this purpose he needs to again communicate with the developers, SMEs and also find some of his own resources through the internet or the reference documents he is provided with. First Draft This phase involves preparing the first draft of the required document following the pre approved document plan and time schedule. Review The purpose of this phase is to review (self, peer, technical, and final) the completed document against the requirements specification document, style guide and template determined during the requirements specification page. Peer review Peer reviewing is subjecting the authors work to the scrutiny of other employees who are experts in the same field. Peer reviews usually need a community of experts in the same field given field, who are qualified and can perform an impartial review. Even though there are a lot of speculations about peer reviewing, it actually encourages authors to meet the accepted standards of their discipline and also prevents the dissemination of irrelevant findings, unacceptable interpretations, personal views and unwarranted claims. Technical review Technical reviewing aids in creating a technically superior version of the work product that is reviewed, which is done either by correction of defects or by recommendation or introduction of alternative approaches. Technical reviews are also a form of peer reviews but in which a team of qualified personnel examines the appropriateness of the document for its intended use and also identifies deviations from the mandatory specifications and standards. Technical reviews sometimes provide recommendations and examination of various alternatives. Editorial review Editorial reviewing aims at improving the readability of a manuscript. The reviewer parses through the manuscript to find whether it can be further simplified or clarified. The reviewer either makes changes or makes marginal notes and a written report and then returns the manuscript to the writer for further revision. Second draft The second and the final draft of the technical paper is out only after a final review. Once the document is free of any grammatical or technical related errors and follows all the guidelines, it is ready for publication.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Julius Caesar :: Free Essays
Julius Caesar Everyday life in Rome was quite organised. People could only dress that represented themselves and their status. Being a Roman citizen was very important and even the poor of the poor were proud to be Roman. Rome was governed by the triumvirate. This included Pompey, Crassus and Julius Caesar. Unfortunately Crassus died in a battle. This caused disruption and Caesar and Pompey fell out because neither wanted to share Rome. Eventually Caesar killed Pompey and his two sons. Caesar was the absolute power but because Rome had experienced a cruel tyrant Tarquin who enslaved the Romans, everyone was scared of this happening again. The role of the common people was important as if they offered light relief for the audience but more importantly provided the key for avenging Caesars death. Brutus and Mark Antony knew that the crowd could be manipulated and exploited this using various but subtle techniques which influenced the crowd. When the conspirators killed Caesar Brutus and Mark Antony made speeches about Caesar and the event of the killing. Brutus went first and used "Romans, countrymen and lovers" He puts Romans first as he killed Caesar for the good of Rome. He manipulates the crowd by asking rhetorical questions that say either you love Caear, or the love you freedom. But you can not have both speak no or forever hold your peace. Brutus knew that the Romans were proud of they freedom and their society so this question justified the killing. He says that Caesar was ambitious and it was only a matter of time before Rome was taken over. As a result, death for his ambition. The speech is effective, the crowd are won over and now support Brutus and love him. Then Mark Antony speaks and after Brutus' performance they don't really want to listen but eventually they do. This time Mark Antony starts off the opposite to Brutus "Friends Countrymen, Romans lend me your ears.." He tells the crowd that he is here to bury Caesar not to praise him.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Consumer and supplier relationships in Internet Essay
The Internet is one of the great inventions of human kind. Go along with the development of science and technology, Internet changed the face of the world. Especially, in business, Internet plays a vital role because it connects all factors to create the success of business. Internet links customers and suppliers into the stable and mutual benefit’s relationship. Firstly, Internet changes the relationship between customers and suppliers from indirect to direct. It helps to eliminate the â€Å"middle – man†to connect directly the customers and suppliers. In the past, there was only way to buy a product that customers went to the store, where they have contract with the suppliers to provide goods for them. Therefore, customers and suppliers never met together in the real meaning. This process increased a lot of costs. However, when Internet developed, customers and suppliers have opportunities to meet together. To buy the stuff, customers can order directly from suppliers through Internet. By this way, not only does the cost decrease, but also the price is more reasonable. The benefit of Internet created the formation and development of E-commerce and net marketplace. According to page 373 in the textbook, â€Å"online consumer sales grew to an estimated $362 billion in 2012, an increase of more than 15 percent over 2010 (including travel services and digital downloads), with 150 million people purchasing online and an additional 34 million shopping and gathering information but not purchasing†(Laudon, K., & Laudon, J., 2014). Secondly, once Internet developed, the relationship between customers and suppliers is push to improve to the partner relationship. Customer became the partner of supplier. The position of both customers and suppliers are equal. Customers don’t depend on the supplier; in contrast, they are more powerful in choosing their suitable suppliers. Thirdly, it increases the satisfaction and quality of customer service. Nowadays, purchasing and exchanging became easier than ever. To attract customers, suppliers have to take care of their customer’s demand and tend to satisfy it because customers have a lot of choices among a thousand of sellers. Customers can take advantage of price, quality as well as model of product. Thus, to make this relationship become a long term collaboration, besides the diversification of products, suppliers must focus on their service to keep their customers closer. Reference: Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2014). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (13 Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Californium Facts
Californium Facts Californium is a radioactive rare earth element that can be used as a neutron source. Atomic Number: 98Symbol: CfAtomic Weight: 251.0796Discovery: G.T. Seaborg, S.G. Tompson, A. Ghiorso, K. Street Jr. 1950 (United States)Word Origin: State and University of California Properties: Californium metal has not been produced. Californium (III) is the only ion stable in aqueous solutions. Attempts to reduce or oxidize californium (III) have been unsuccessful. Californium-252 is a very strong neutron emitter. Uses: Californium is an efficient neutron source. It is used in neutron moisture gauges and as a portable neutron source for metal detection. Isotopes: The isotope Cf-249 results from the beta decay of Bk-249. Heavier isotopes of californium are produced by intense neutron irradiation by the reactions. Cf-249, Cf-250, Cf-251, and Cf-252 have been isolated. Sources: Californium was first produced in 1950 by bombarding Cm-242 with 35 MeV helium ions. Electron Configuration [Rn] 7s2Â 5f10 Californium Physical Data Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth (Actinide)Density (g/cc): 15.1Melting Point (K): 900Atomic Radius (pm): 295Pauling Negativity Number: 1.3First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): (610)Oxidation States: 4, 3 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Natural Tendency To Do Good Essays
Natural Tendency To Do Good Essays Natural Tendency To Do Good Paper Natural Tendency To Do Good Paper Being around different people can make a human behave or act in ways that they normally would not. This is true in many possible ways and experiences that people go through. Mencius said, â€Å"Persons may be brought to do evil, and that is because the same is done to their nature. †This shows that being in a circumstance of force can make the natural tendency to do good be flawed through whatever it is that is shadowing the mind to make clear judgment. The tendency of human nature to do good is like that of water to flow downward. †I believe human nature is to do good based upon the right surroundings because things that go on in an exosphere can make one think that certain choices are acceptable in society. What shows how human nature is to do good is how a human has a want to help out another human when they are in a time of need or desperation. Such as to donate food to a homeless shelter, or to give someone who is down and out a cup of coffee or a dollar. Human nature is to do good based upon the right surroundings in the exosphere and is supported where Mencius said, â€Å"Now you may strike water and make it splash over your forehead, or you may even force it up the hills. But is this the nature of water? †This is what shows that natural tendency to do good is what humans were created to do. I have been in times in life where I made poor decisions based on the forceful circumstances that I chose to be around. There were people around that had addictive criminal thinking where it clouded my mind and was ultimately making me not choose the most logical choice to progress in life positively, rather negatively. These people that were indirectly giving influences toward my life, that fostered an environment that made it seem acceptable to break the law, and gave me an evil action. What I realized is that the choice in having the wrong set of people around me was affectively making me have a circumstance that was progressing into evil actions. Where Mencius said, â€Å"People tend by their nature toward goodness, and it is only the adverse circumstances of their nurture that erode goodness and engender evil. †This fully supports natural tendency is to do good. People must think in a manner that will allow them to be of the right path and do what is righteous. Human nature has a distinctive tendency towards goodness, but ethical rightness cannot be initiated down to the last element. This is why simply external governors always breakdown in enlightening society. True progress results from learning education in constructive atmospheres. Human nature is to do good based upon the right surroundings in the exosphere. Having bad circumstances tend to degrade the human will. However, this is not confirmation of natural evil because a pure thinking person would escape causing harm to other people. So without having a negative external exosphere the simplicity of natural tendency to do goodness will come easily than thinking about it. I have since after putting myself in a negative environment that caused my mind to think that doing evil was something that was tolerated in society, it has now given me options to progress in life. Being around more positive people makes the natural come forth in choices, decisions, and actions. With the rightness inside of someone it makes evil be present, but it does not let the evil pass through and have its way with the individuals mind and action. I think it is significant that Mencius credits that human beings have certain natural abilities for goodness. If we did not have these abilities, I do not think any quantity of education could enforce these onto us. In this regard, I do think that education is a kind of attentive attending goodness. Mencius establishes that all people have hearts by engaging to the example of a child about to fall into a well. Mencius says that as soon as people see the child about to fall they will feel a sense of unease and compassion. It is critical to notice that Mencius is not speaking about any kind of action here but about the instant response. These feelings of distress and empathy are not due to pursuing approval or wanting to reduce frustration. This response justifies Mencius claim that People all have hearts that do not tolerate the suffering of others. I feel that this falls in with what I have been addressing because in both ways it is what you are taught and what is naturally inside of a humans’ mind. It helps to prove that human nature is to do good based upon the right surroundings in the exosphere. The human only wants a good way of life and not an evil way that only brings despair and anguish through wrong actions. A human’s natural and taught ways of goodness to live and learn through lessons, whether it is through teachings or of actions. I have lived through life having those negative attributes that made me realize it is not an aspect of life I would like to have of being an evil person while going through the journey. That is how I see that the unease and compassion come into play with the natural tendency to do good. â€Å"When left to follow its natural feelings human nature will do good. Mencius said that which helps support this argument of human nature is to do good based upon the right surroundings in the exosphere. If not putting yourself into a position to make you strive forward in the direction of virtuous instead of the wicked. With a clear peace of mind it helps to enfold life as it should be and have that natural tendency to do good. Where Mencius says, â€Å"If it becomes evil, it is not the fault of our original capability. †This shows that another man or woman influences a humans thoughts. This proves that the exosphere can have a projection of a negative force behind it creating a circumstance that is not of the capability that the human should have. Mencius noted through these examples of senses: Sense of mercy, sense of shame, sense of respect, sense of right and wrong. He said, â€Å"seek and you will find them, neglect and you will lose them. †I feel that this is another reason proving the argument that has been stated throughout this paper to prove that human nature is to do good based upon the right surroundings because things that go on in an exosphere. A humans’ natural tendency is to do good based upon the right surroundings because of things that go on in an exosphere. This has been proved through the evidence that has been shown though experiences that I have gone through and not only me, but many other people as well. With having the righteous path you can have the fullest extent of your original capability and that is to have the natural human nature to do good based upon the right surroundings because of the things that go on in an exosphere which can make one choose choices that are acceptable in society.
Monday, November 4, 2019
MIS Minicase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MIS Minicase - Essay Example Besides, a considerable share of the gross national product of developed economies is in intangible form (Nakamara, 45). An intangible is a non-monetary asset that used in production or supply of services and goods. It can either be used for administrative purposes or rented to third parties. Patents and copyrights are some of the examples of legally acknowledged intangibles that can be valued effectively. This is not the case for some intangibles like goodwill, brand equity, inter organizational relations and intellectual capital. It is inherently difficult to determine the intrinsic value of businesses that operate in fast changing markets and high research and development. Case in point is the treatment of employee training expenses; treated as expenses with no future value yet in the real sense the value of experienced employees exceed the training expense. The value gap of intangibles is further created by accounting systems that value them as assets that are not easily counted. However (Boulton, Libert, and Samak 21: 29-35) found out that the book value of many publicly traded companies rose from 5 percent to 72 percent of the market value in the period1978-1998. This shows that only a paltry 28 percent of value was reflected in the balance sheet. In their research (Ryan and Harrison 16: 11-40) discovered that IT investments elude conventional valuation methods because of hidden costs and benefits. Despite the challenges posed by the effective determination of intangibles, business organizations recognize that organizational performance is linked to intangibles like brand equity and organizational effectiveness. Intangibles deliver benefits that are not easily quantified a factor which relegates them to complimentary yet, they also form the basis of organizational success. Intangible benefits like customer satisfaction, employee coordination, access to information and improved
Friday, November 1, 2019 Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words Case Analysis - Essay Example There are four major aspects that Jessica needs to re-evaluate in website design and market strategy: Effective Website layout; SWOT analysis; brand creation; and effective marketing with focus on Porter’s 4Ps. The wedding website needs to be vibrant and colourful so that it sends the message of great romance. While interactive and e-commerce features should be intrinsic part of the website, Jessica needs to incorporate more pictures of the happy couples in the honeymoon destinations to attract prospective brides and grooms. Honeymoon packages at discounted price should become one of the important features of the website. It should also cater to various other requirements of the couple as well as for those who need to get wedding gifts. The website needs to showcase the products and services to attract the future customers and meet their individual demand through customised features of the interactive website. Jessica needs to research the details regarding the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the wedding events come across and then incorporate them into her website. The brand creation has been another successful strategy that would bring in committed customers. ‘Brand building is needed because products are the same’ (Kotler, 2005). Market strategies try to promote their goods and services by creating brands that guarantees the customers of getting high quality goods and services at a price that a customer is willing to pay for. Today the concept of market has changed so much so that instead of customer going to the ‘product’, the product ‘comes’ to the customer. In other words, virtual markets have facilitated the availability of the product much easier with the concept of ‘home delivery’ becoming a reality. Though the localized market still has scope but the unlimited potential of the internet market must be tapped in order to remain afloat in the fast
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Political science paper- comparative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Political science paper- comparative - Essay Example The theory adopts the rule of consensus decision making and majority rule. In an occurrence where a decision cannot be reached through consensus, a decision is reached through the majority rule by voting. The type of voting embraced by this theory involves one that does not regard authority. Every party of individual affected by the decision making process is effectively considered in terms of representation in the decision making process (Gutmann & Dennis 57). Deliberative democratic theory also represents representative democracy and direct democracy. In an argument by Ross deliberative democracy refer to representative bodies that give equal chance to its members to deliberate on a decision making procedure without uneven distribution of power due to authority or position an individual holds (87). Another definition of the theory given by Gutmann & Dennis depicts deliberative democratic theory refers to the system of governance where the lay citizens are given the power of making decisions (87). Generally, this theory acts with respect to democracy where every person is entitled to a decision or thought; and the thought or opinion is considered in a decision making process. The decision making process in this theory may be represented in tow forms depending on the parties involved. The decision making may be based on the elitist deliberative democracy or populist deliberative democracy. In elitist deliberative democracy, the involved parties use the social decision making bodies such as courts and legislatures to rule over a dispute or direct a decision making process. In the populist deliberative democracy the power is given to the people to decide on the opinion or decision to uphold. In an argument by Gutmann & Dennis the power given to the people is more significant than using decision making bodies since there is a higher probability that public opinion will be represented (132). The author further argues that populist deliberative democracy theory gene rates decisions that may be significant to the lives of involved citizens since their opinion will be greatly considered in the decision making process. Characteristics The characteristics that apply in deliberative democratic theory are greatly similar to the provision of any consensus approach. There are five characteristics of the theory; I. Information In any decision making process there are numerous information that are required in order to have a complete validation of option. In deliberative democratic theory, this information should be provided to all involved parties in the decision making process. Additionally, the information provided to the participants should be accurate and relevant to the consensus being held. Gutmann & Dennis argue that the theory may be distorted if the information provided to participants is biased, distorted or incomplete (122). II. Substantive balance All arguments considered in this theory should be met by contrary arguments that support the ar guments. According to Ross the opinions the participants bring forth should be supported by relevant and significant evidence in order for
Monday, October 28, 2019
Carroway Clothing Limited Essay Example for Free
Carroway Clothing Limited Essay Carroway Clothing Limited (CCL) is a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC) that was incorporated 10 years ago. CCL follows accounting standards for private enterprises (ASPE). It is owned by two brothers, Chip and Charles Carroway, who started the company after identifying an opportunity to design and manufacture clothing with innovative fabric. The Carroway brothers have run the business together and have an equal stake in its equity. You are Rose Reddick, a recently graduated CGA assigned as team leader to complete the March 31, 20X3, financial statement audit of CCL. This is the second year that your firm has done CCL’s audit. The audit planning was completed in early March by Blake Mouton, another CGA in your firm, but he has recently announced he is resigning from the firm. Due to scheduling conflicts and an unusually busy season, he will be unable to continue with the remainder of the audit before he leaves, and you have been asked to take over leadership of the audit team. It is now late April, and the team under Blake’s supervision has completed about two-thirds of the audit field work. The audit is scheduled to be completed by May 15, and realizing that you have a limited amount of time to complete your work on this audit, you immediately begin your review of the work done to date and the available client background information. Client background The Carroway brothers started manufacturing athletic wear, utilizing new techniques in fabric treatments to increase the durability of the fabric. CCL’s range of products includes clothing lines for women and men. The products are, primarily athletic wear, but three years ago they added a line of soil-resistant work clothing. Tax losses have occurred in the early years, but sales have grown each year since the company was started. As sales increased, Chip hired a team of design specialists to create new clothing items with innovative features. This team was hired three years ago to begin the research and development required to bring new products to market. Chip also hired a marketing manager with a degree in fine arts to design the tags attached to each piece of clothing and develop the marketing programs. At the same time, specialized software was implemented to produce tags for the products. Because there are specific requirements for content and format of the tags, the production manager is the only individual with authorized access to the software. In July 20X2, CCL signed a contract to produce a line of athletic wear for Sports Shop, a small chain of sporting goods stores. The line of athletic wear features the chain’s logo and trademark colours. CCL ships product to these stores using a company truck. The contract specifies that Sports Shop is to pay for each shipment within 30 days of signed receipt of delivery. Recently, Sports Shop has disputed some of the amounts owing to CCL, maintaining that there is no proof of receipt of the shipment. When Chip questioned the CCL driver, the driver admitted that when he was running late with his deliveries, he simply dropped the shipment at the store counter and did not wait for the store manager’s signature. Chip has not provided an allowance for these receivables since the delivery was made even though there is no signature. In fact, CCL has never recorded an allowance in any fiscal year and has not had any issues with uncollectible accounts. The research and early stages of development of CCL’s products were financed by a combination of capital invested by the brothers, bank financing, and a government grant (see financial statements, Exhibit 1). Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SRED) credits were received in 20X1 and 20X2 and have been reported as government grants for accounting purposes. The sales volume of the soil-resistant clothing is now great enough to assure the lenders and any potential investors that these products are commercially viable. In fact, based on the 20X1/X2 results, they expect the current product line to become a significant commercial success. The cost of developing this product line, called Walton Work Wear has been deferred and is being amortized (straight-line) at the rate of 10% per year starting in 20X2 (see Deferred Development Schedule, Exhibit 2). Original research costs for the Walton Work Wear products were expensed when incurred, net of grants and SRED credits. The prior-year audit file shows that this treatment of SRED credits is consistent with CCL’s reporting of all taxes (payable and recoverable), which have been accounted for on a current basis without regard to recognition of the future tax effects of any current transactions. During the past year, the brothers have turned their attention to a moisture management and odourreduction feature for the athletics tops. They are confident that within two years their current research will lead to a product line that keeps the sweat away from the skin and minimizes the impact of perspiration on the clothing. The preliminary prototype works effectively for the first several minutes, but the protection barrier degrades quickly and more work is required. This product line will be called Carroway Cool Top and is currently in the research stage only. The deferred development costs for this product line are $975,000. In order to finance completion of the new research and development of the Carroway Cool Top products, Chip Carroway expects to obtain a long-term bank loan for CCL. He is aware that this long-term bank loan will include a more stringent debt to equity covenant than the existing line of credit. He is also interested in the option of going public and issuing new shares to raise funds for future growth. However, Chip is concerned about the implications of losing some control over CCL so he is leaning towards remaining a CCPC. CCL’s chief financial officer, Jack Lawson, was the original office manager and bookkeeper when CCL was first established, and although he has no professional accounting credentials, he does have a degree in business administration with a major in finance. He is responsible for the preparation of financial reports and is involved in all of the financing discussions. Jack has always been employed by companies which are private and he has no experience in the requirements of going public, so Chip will require additional information from you in order to be able to make an informed decision between the financing options available. CCL has grown rapidly over the last three years, after implementing its research and development activities. During 20X1, the implementation of the research and development department resulted in the hiring of many new employees in research and development, production, and administration. CCL would like to provide an incentive plan to these new employees, but is not in a position to provide a cash bonus. Therefore, CCL is considering a limited issue of stock options to its employees. The stock options would entitle an employee to acquire equity shares of CCL at $50 per share at any time starting six months after the date of their issue. Some employees are uncertain about the impact of the issue of stock options on their taxable income and are considering disposing of them immediately upon acquisition. Chip has recently been notified about a pending lawsuit and provided Blake with some preliminary details when he was at the office in March. Six months ago, the production process of one of the fabric treatments resulted in an accidental but illegal leak of chemicals into the environment. The local environmental agency objected to such a release of chemicals, and when their objections were ignored they filed a lawsuit against CCL, alleging that CCL was negligent in the release of the chemicals and in violation of environmental regulations. Chip is not concerned about this lawsuit since he notes that the amount of chemicals that leaked from CCL equipment was not significant, but he would like to know whether there are any other risks associated with this issue and how they should be dealt with. Review of audit findings to date The audit-planning file indicates that Blake assessed the inherent risk associated with this audit as low. The reasons for this assessment include the fact that this is the second year of the engagement and no audit or financial reporting problems have been uncovered in the past audit. Blake included a note that the design of the clothing tags is now being handled jointly with the marketing manager, who had persuaded the production manager to give her access to the specialized software while he was away from the office on vacation. During this time, the marketing manager redesigned the tags to include more marketing elements and minimized the font size of the list of additives used in the fabric treatment so that there was more room to describe the innovative features of the clothing. The newly designed tags have been on product for the past two months, and CCL has recently heard some feedback from concerned customers that the information about the additives is difficult to read. These customers have allergies to certain chemicals, so it is imperative they are aware of the chemicals used in the treatment of these fabrics. Another important factor influencing the risk assessment is that, in spite of operating losses in the past, CCL has never had serious cash flow problems, due to Jack’s careful business planning and the good relationship CCL has with its lender. CCL is experiencing growth in profits, indicating that the investment in the research and development department is paying off. The draft financial statements show positive net income and strong revenue, with a portion of this revenue being generated by the Walton Work Wear line of products in 20X3 (see Exhibit 1). Although no misstatements or errors have been documented in the work completed so far, you are not sure if this is because conclusions have not yet been drawn on most sections of the audit file. In addition to evaluating all of the evidence gathered so far, the following audit work still needs to be completed: review of the accounts in Exhibit 2; team leader review of all work done by subordinates; completion of the audit work on unrecorded liabilities, subsequent events, and contingencies; and review of the draft tax returns. Once all of these steps have been completed and approval of the statements is received from the client, the schedule of unadjusted errors and final review of the financial statements must be completed. The file will then be ready for a final partner review before release of the audit report. You see from the files that Blake has used traditional sampling to sample small amounts of data for the audit and you are not comfortable basing your conclusions on the work done because with the increase in sales this year and the research and development activities, there is a large amount of data to audit. You are considering an appropriate alternative, such as generalized audit software. Upon examining the file, you realize that a number of financial reporting and potential tax issues have arisen this year that were not present in prior years. These issues and other new information have not been adequately addressed in the current-year audit plan. You believe that the client should be informed of your concerns regarding the current year’s issues as well as the implications of the financing options.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Life :: essays research papers
1. Evolutionary Psychology assumes that human behavior, just like human anatomy and physiology has been shaped by the evolutionary process. A. Can you justify that assumption? Yes, because it is saying that the mental mechanisms that underlie human behavior are held in common among people all over the world. These mental organs constrain and shape people's thoughts, perceptions and behaviors. Also, evolved mechanisms in the brain channel the evolution of human societies and human culture that make some outcomes more likely than others. B. Don't the advanced learning capacities of humans negate the relevance of an evolutionary approach to human behavior? No, because not all behavior is learned or just there from the beginning. According to human behavioral ecology, peoples' interests are defined in evolutionary terms: as wanting to maximize their fitness. 2. Evolutionary psychology assumes that the brain is composed of many domain-specific cognitive modules. A. What does the phrase â€Å"domain-specific†mean? It means that there are socialized cognitive mechanisms designed to solve problems important in the EEA. B. Why is this assumption justified theoretically? Because empirical evidence shows that animals are predisposed to learn some things and not others. C. What empirical evidence exists to suggest that it is correct? A study on rats concluded that their food aversions are based solely on the taste of foods that have made them sick, not the food's size, shape or color. However, there are certain foods that rats won't touch because their diet is strictly controlled by genes. 3. Human mating and parenting behaviors are critical to fitness and should have been responsive to selection. A.Do you expect men and women to have the same mating and parenting adaptations? Why or why not? No, because with women and men are predisposed to certain types of mating and parenting adaptations. Women tend to mate with fewer people and are more inclined to heavily partake in parenting of the offspring. Men are generally inclined to mate with whomever, whenever, and however often they can and because they aren't sure of paternity, they are less inclined to parenting the offspring.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - A Life Foolishly Lived Essay
The Great Gatsby:  A Life Foolishly Lived           Released in 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby cleverly demonstrates the manners and morals commonly practiced throughout the time period. The plot revolves around several main themes and effectively expresses Fitzgerald’s unique perspective. With an objective standpoint, Nick Carraway narrates the story as Jay Gatsby, a foolish racketeer, tries to win over his lifelong love, Daisy Buchanan. Although pecuniary matters can often be too large of an influence on human relationships, the novel unveils several powerful battles entangling love, morals, and money. As Nick Carraway follows the tale of Jay Gatsby pursuing a dream, Gatsby can be observed as a foolish man working so hard, and yet accomplishing nothing. One of the numerous reasons why Jay Gatsby can be seen as foolhardy when simply pursuing a dream is not because he is foolish, but rather because of the method in which he does. Stretching back to the roots of his life, Gatsby was not a wealthy person in upbringing. Following a rigorous daily schedule and constant attempts at bettering his moral values are two of his hopeful methods to win over Daisy Buchanan. Improvements such as, "No more smoking or chewing, Bath every other day, be better to parents" (182), were yet a few of his guidelines to strive for constant self-improvement. Although realizing that Daisy cannot be so easily won over, Gatsby continues to toil in attempt to win his sole love. Not only did he concentrate on actual values in life for the future, Gatsby resolves to himself that he must change his past. Because of his dissatisfaction with his original name, James Gats, he alters his name to the more attractive Jay Gatsby.... ... the novel vividly depicted a life foolishly lived, only for a lost goal so long sought.  Works Cited Raleigh, John Henry. "F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby." Mizener 99-103. Sklar, Robert. F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Last Laocoon. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1967. Trilling, Lionel. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Critical Essays on Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby." Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston: Hall, 1984. 13-20.  1.     Underline titles of novels. 2.     When quoting, the final punctuation should come after the parentheses instead of inside the quote, â€Å"Right you are†(72). Instead of â€Å"right you are.†3.     I see several different focuses within your paper, from the foolishness of Jay Gatsby to Myrtle to the corruption of the twenties. Stick to one of the topics and explore it fully instead of jumping from topic to topic.  Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
College Uneducation Essay
I wish to speak on â€Å"College Uneducation.†Is it possible that our college educationmay â€Å"uneducate†rather than educate? I answer â€Å"Yes.†It is a paradox but nonetheless the truthâ€â€the grim, unmerciful truth. We all believe in higher education; else we should not be in the University. At the same time, college educationâ€â€like all other human devices for human bettermentâ€â€may build or destroy, lead, or mislead. My ten years’ humble service in the University of the Philippines has afforded me an opportunity to watch the current of ideals and practices of our student body. In some aspects of higher education, most of our students have measured up to their high responsibilities. But in other featuresâ€â€alas, vital ones!â€â€the thoughts and actions of many of them tend to stunt the mind, dry up the heart, and quench the soul. These students are being uneducated in college. I shall briefly discussthree ways in which many of our students are getting college uneducation, for which they pay tuition fees and make unnumbered sacrifices. Book Worship In the first place, there is the all but delirious worship of the printed page. â€Å"What does the book say?†is, by all odds, the most important question in the student’s mind whenever he is faced with any problem calling for his own reasoning. By the same token, may students feel a sort of frenzy for facts till these become as huge as the mountains and the mind is crushed under them. Those students think of nothing but how to accumulate data; hence, their capacity for clear and powerful thinking is paralyzed. How pathetic to hear them argue and discuss! Because they lack the native vitality of unhampered reason, their discourse smacks of cant and sophistry rather than of healthy reasoning and straight thinking. It is thus that many of our students surrender their individuality to the textbook and lose their birthrightâ€â€which is to think for themselves. And when they attempt to form their own judgment, they become pedantic. Unless a student develops the habit of independent and sound reasoning, his college education is a solemn sham. Compare these hair-splitting college students with Juan de la Cruz in the barrios. Now, Juan de la Cruz has read very little: no undigested mass of learning dulls the edge of his inborn logic, his mind is free from the overwhelming, stultifying weight of unassimilated book knowledge. How penetrating his perception, how unerring his judgment, how solid his common sense! He contemptuously refers to the learned sophists, thus: †Lumabis ang karunungan mo,†which means, â€Å"Your learning is too much.†Professional Philistinism The second manner of college uneducation that I want to speak of is this: most students make professional efficiency the be-all and end-all of college education. They have set their hearts upon becoming highly trained lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, and agriculturists. I shall not stop to inquire into the question of how much blame should be laid at the door of the faculties of the University for this pernicious drift toward undue and excessive specialization. That such a tendency exists is undeniable, but we never pause to count, the cost! We are all of one mind: I believe that college education is nothing unless it widens a man’s vision, broadens his sympathies, and leads him to higher thinking and deep feeling. Yet how can we expect a; this result from a state of affairs which reduces a law student to a code, a prospective doctor to a prescription, and a would-be engineer to a mathematical formula? How many students in our professional colleges are doing any systemat ic reading in literature? May we not, indeed, seriously ask whether this fetish of specialization does not smother the inspiring sense of beauty and the ennobling love of finer things that our students have it in them to unfold into full-blown magnificence. The Jading Dullness of Modern Life â€Å"A thing of beauty is a joy forever,††says Keats. But we know that beauty us a matter of taste; and, unless we develop in us a proper appreciation of what is beautiful and sublime, everything around us is tedious and commonplace. We rise early and go out into, but our spirit is responsive to the hopeful quietude and the dew-chastened sweetness of dawn. At night we behold the myriad stars, but they are just so many bright specksâ€â€their soft fires do not soothe our troubled hearts, and we do not experience that awesome, soul stirring fascination of theimmense ties of God’s universe. We are bathed in the silver sheen of the moon and yet feel not the beatitude of the moment. We gaze upon a vista of high mountains, but their silent strength has no appeal for us. We read some undying verses; still, their vibrant cadence does not thrill us, and their transcendent though is to us like a vision that vanishes. We look at a masterpiece of the chisel with its eternal gracefulness of lines and properties, yet to us it is no more than a mere human likeness. Tell me, is such a life worth coming to college for? Yet, my friends, the overspecialization which many students pursue with zeal and devotion is bound to result in such an unfeeling, dry-as-dust existence. I may say in passing that the education of the older generation is in this respect far superior to ours. Our older countrymen say, with reason, that the new education does not lawfully cultivate the heart as the old education did. Misguided Zeal Lastly, this selfsame rage for highly specialized training, with a view to distinguished professional success, beclouds our vision of the broader perspectives of life. Our philosophy of life is in danger of becoming narrow and mean because we are habituated to think almost wholly in terms of material wellbeing. Of course we must be practical. We cannot adequately answer this tremendous question unless we thoughtfully develop a proper sense of values and thus learn to separate the dross from the gold, the chaff from the grain of life. The time to do this task is not after but before college graduation; for, when all is said and done, the sum and substance of higher education is the individualformulation of what life is for, with special training in some advanced line of human learning in order that such a life formula may be executed with the utmost effectiveness. But how can we lay down the terms of our philosophy of life if every one of our thoughts is absorbed by the daily assignment, the outside reading, and the laboratory experiment, and when we continuously devour lectures and notes? â€Å"Uneducated†Juan de la Cruz as Teacher Here, again, many of our students should sit at the feet of meagrely educated Juan de la Cruz and learn wisdom. Ah! He is often called ignorant, but he is the wisest of the wise, for he has unravelled the mysteries of life. His is the happiness of the man who knows the whys of human existence. Unassuming Juan de la Cruz cherishes no â€Å"Vaulting ambition which o’erleaps itself.†His simple and hardy virtues put to shame the studied and complex rules of conduct of highly educated men and women. In adversity, his stoicism is beyond encomium. His love of home, so guilelessly faithful, is the firm foundation of our social structure. And his patriotism has been tested and found true. Can our students learn from Juan de la Cruz, or does their college education unfit them to become his pupils? In conclusion, I shall say that I have observed among many of our students certain alarming signs of college uneducation, and some of these are: (1) lack of independent judgment as well as love of pedantry, because of the worship of the printed page and the feverish accumulation of undigested data; (2) the deadening of the delicate sense of the beautiful and the sublime, on account of overspecialization; and (3) neglect of the formulation of a sound philosophy of life as a result of excessive emphasis on professional training.
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