Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Internet Censorship :: essays research papers
Web Censorship For a considerable length of time governments have attempted to ordinary materials regarded unseemly or hostile. The historical backdrop of western control was said to have started when Socrates was charged "firstly, of denying the divine beings perceived by the State and presenting new divinities, and also of debasing the young." He was condemned to death for these wrongdoings. Numerous advanced governments are endeavoring to control access to the Internet. They are passing guidelines that confine the opportunity individuals once underestimated. The Internet is an overall system that ought not be directed or edited by any on nation. It is a perplexing and boundless system which permits endless prospects and would be affected adversely by the guidelines and control that a few nations are determined to building up. Laws that are implied for different sorts of correspondence won't really apply in this medium. There are no physical areas where correspondences happen, making it hard to figure out where infringement of the law ought to be arraigned. There is secrecy on the Internet thus ages and characters are not known this makes it difficult to decide whether criminal operations are occurring with respect to individuals under the legitimate age. Too, it is hard to totally erase discourse once it has been posted, Meaning that dispersing materials that are vulgar are prohibited turns out to be simple The American Library Association (ALA) has a definition that states restriction is â€Å"the change in the entrance status of material, made by an administering authority or its agents. Such changes include: avoidance, limitation, expel, or age/grade level changes.†This definition, in any case, has a defect in that it just remembers one type of control legislative restriction. Cyberspace, a typical name for the Net, has been characterized by one creator as being "made up of a large number of individuals who speak with each other through PCs. It is additionally "information put away on a large number of PCs around the world, open to others through phone lines and other correspondence channels "that" make up what is known as cyberspace." a similar creator proceeded to state " term itself is subtle, since it isn't so much a physical element as a depiction of an intangible." The multifaceted nature of the Internet is shown through its numerous parts. The most promptly recognizable part is the World Wide Web (WWW). This comprises of pages that can be gotten to using an internet browser. Pages are made utilizing a fundamental programming language. Another without any problem recognized segment of the Internet is email. Indeed it is a generally easy to use specialized gadget. Some different less advertised areas of the Web include: Internet Relay Chat (IRC), which permits ongoing talking to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Susan Glaspell’s Trifles
Susan Glaspell’s 1916 play titled â€Å"Trifles†utilizes numerous components of show, for example, style and scene through the activities of the two ladies as they scavenge through a strangely muddled kitchen to create multifaceted nature and hold the consideration of the crowd until the end. Glaspell utilizes incongruity and normal misguided judgments to pass on her amazing message â€Å"Trifles†is likewise a play that mirrors an away from of sex and sex jobs. Glaspell, a women's activist essayist, composes plays that are known for their improvement of profound, thoughtful characters that have solid rules that merit going to bat for (Holstein 288). Trifles†opens up in its setting, which is a rustic region of Nebraska in a recently deserted farmhouse kitchen having a place with the Wright family. The play is composed from two alternate points of view. The points of view incorporate a male’s, which incorporate George Henderson, the district lawyer, Henry Peter, the sheriff, and Lewis Hale, a neighboring rancher, and a female’s, which incorporates Mrs. Peter’s, the spouse of Henry Peters and Mrs. Solidness, the spouse of Lewis Hale. The male characters go into the house as a wrongdoing scene. The province lawyer does the examination in a methodical manner by talking the key observer and requesting the realities as it were. â€Å"The crowd hears just male voices for the principal quarter of the play as they go from space to room routinely until they don't left anything out, ‘Nothing of importance’†(Holstein 283). The females of the play were exceptionally reluctant to go into the house. The starting scene portrays, â€Å"The ladies have come in gradually, and stand near one another close the door†(Glaspell 958). The ladies go into the house as a home as opposed to a wrongdoing scene. They are there just to assemble things for the detained, Mrs. Wright. They are extremely anxious and bashful, which can be dictated by the style that Glaspell employments. Numerous runs are utilized as the ladies talk gradually and mindfully in the home where a man was simply killed. Seeing the bread outside the breadbox, the messed up natural product containers, and the recliner that Mrs. Wright was sitting in when the supposed homicide that Mrs. Solidness nearly sat in making it rock to and fro completely surprised and made the ladies uncomfortable as they pondered around the house (Glaspell 962). These subtleties likewise assume a job in the scene that Glaspell is making. As the play advances, they can place themselves in Mrs. Wright’s position, making them progressively agreeable as they investigate the natural kitchen. Mrs. Robust has been Mrs. Wright’s neighbor for quite a long time and realizes that it is so difficult to stay aware of the cleaning and womanly errands of the home, which is the reason she is irate when the men are nosing about and making a decision about her (Glaspell 962). She reviews when â€Å"Minnie Foster, presently Mrs. Wright, wore a white dress with blue strips and stood up in the ensemble and sang†(Glaspell 968). As the ladies discover the birdcage and later find the dead fledgling enclosed by a lovely box and acknowledge what has occurred in the Wright’s home, they start to feel for her. They first consider â€Å"the forlorn calm of her childless farmhouse†(Holstein 285). Mrs. Robust â€Å"mourns the loss of Mrs. Wright’s saved natural product, recollecting her own difficult work during canning season†(Holstein 286). Just because all through the play, Mrs. Peter’s mollifies to Minnie’s circumstance recalling the time a kid killed her little cat and murmured, â€Å"If they hadn’t kept me down I would haveâ€hurt him†(Glaspell 967). Holstein makes reference to, â€Å"She additionally ponders the tranquility of her old estate after her first infant passed on and thinks about it to Minnie’s solitude†(286). Unmistakably the ladies can identify with Minnie Wright in light of the fact that â€Å"they share her experience†(Holstein 286). The play starts to be amusing as the men prod and deprecate the ladies by making jokes about their â€Å"trifles†, for example, regardless of whether Mrs. Wright would sew or hitch her blanket. â€Å"Mrs. Sound says, angrily, â€Å"I don’t know as there’s anything so abnormal, our takin’ up our time with seemingly insignificant details while we’re sitting tight for them to get the evidence†(Glaspell 964). Holstein brings up that proof is just the â€Å"little things†(284). The principal play that was examined was â€Å"a neighbor’s visit†, which Mrs. Sound has continuous blame about all through the play. â€Å"Mrs. Robust watches, â€Å"We live near one another and we live far separated. We as a whole experience the equivalent thingsâ€it’s all only an alternate sort of the equivalent thing†(Holstein 287). Different instances of their wastes of time that are talked about are things, for example, the birdcage that no longer has a feathered creature in it and the square of blanket that isn't close to as perfect as the others. These â€Å"trifles†become significant proof in the killing of John Wright, yet are left well enough alone by the ladies. The ladies unexpectedly become the primary characters of this homicide puzzle, which was pivotal in the time that Glaspell composed this play. The men apparently vanish as the ladies naturally reveal the puzzle for themselves piece by piece giving them a specific control over the men. In the start of the play, the ladies hush up from â€Å"powerlessness†, yet by the end â€Å"Mrs. Sound and Mrs. Subsides eventually discover power in being debased, for their low status permits them to stay silent at he play’s end. †The ladies are a lot of like â€Å"servants and other limited groups†, for they are permitted to know about subjects â€Å"because it is expected they won't have the option to utilize it†(Holstein 284). By not turning Mrs. Wright in, Mrs. Subsides unmistakably rolls out an improvement from the beginning of the play as far as possible. Mrs. Solidness is fortunately ready to change Mrs. Peters’ beginning idea on the disclosure of Mrs. Wright being a killer, which was the possibility that â€Å"The law must rebuff crimes†(Glaspell 968). The men enter the kitchen again subsequent to completing these examinations without any information on the homicide than when they began. The area lawyer ignores the fool of Mrs. Wright fearing felines when he addresses the unfilled birdcage, which could have been conceivable proof. Mrs. Sound lied and stated, â€Å"We thinkâ€the feline got it†(Glaspell 697). Holstein makes reference to, â€Å"Perhaps Mrs. Hale’s comment is an angled reference to the women’s quiet, as in the old inquiry ‘has is speaking up is now out of the question? ’†The lawyer is just inspired by the â€Å"visible evidence†of the homicide (Holstein 285). At long last the women’s quiet is not, at this point a â€Å"silence of powerlessness†, yet an intensity of â€Å"intention and choice†(Holstein 284). The plays last line is the most impressive line. The district lawyer comments snidely, â€Å"Well Henry, in any event we discovered that she was not going to knit it. She was going toâ€what is it that you call it, women? †and Mrs. Robust reacted, â€Å"We call itâ€knot it, Mr. Henderson†(Glaspell 968). Holstein talks about that â€Å"Mrs. Sound and Mrs. Diminishes deliberately â€Å"knot†their insight and do â€Å"not†share it. There quiet has become a characteristic of their solidarity, a refusal to imperil a sister. She closes her article with a fundamental outline of the men in the play by expressing, â€Å"For the men in the play, [the women’s] mystery stays an unfamiliar trifle†(Holstein 290). Numerous parts of Glaspell’s â€Å"Trifles†make it a moving play with a basic, yet incredible subject of ladies in this timespan being ground-breaking similarly that they are frail; peacefully. As a women's activist, Glaspell can give ladies the intensity of utilizing trifles and womanly worries that men giggle at to comprehend a homicide puzzle with hard proof, and furthermore enables them to stand up for a kindred female and retain data from the depicted numbness of men. In spite of the fact that Glaspell doesn't come directly out and state it, she is clarifying that she sees men as domineering and mediocre compared to ladies in opposition to the mainstream views at the time this play was composed. Glaspell accomplishes something rousing by utilizing the numerous components of dramatization close by incongruity and the thought of sexual orientation and sex jobs to build up a mind boggling, chilling, and engaging play about something as genuine as a hated lady looking for retribution on her better half and two ladies utilizing straightforward â€Å"trifles†to get why.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pyscological Disorders Essay Example for Free
Pyscological Disorders Essay Behaviorism has a wide range of qualities and shortcomings. One quality of the methodology is that is has effectively applied old style and operant condition to its speculations. This is quality as it is utilized in various treatments, for example, precise desensitization, which is a sort of conduct treatment to help conquer fears and other tension issue; it depends on old style molding. Another quality is that it utilizes logical strategies for inquire about creation it considerably more target, quantifiable and perceptible just as having the option to get dependable outcomes. A case of this is Banduras’ bobo doll of investigation of animosity. In any case, there are likewise shortcomings to this methodology. The Behaviorism approach concentrates a lot on the â€Å"nurture†side of nature/support banter and proposes that all conduct is found out. In any case, investigate has indicated that psychological and natural components have been demonstrated to influence individual’s conduct. For instance, individuals learn conduct by watching others getting compensated for specific activities. Another shortcoming is the moral issues brought by utilizing creatures up in tests. This is on the grounds that creatures can't agree to participate and can't pull back themselves from tests, for instance, Pavlov’s hound examines. A significant quality of this hypothesis is that it is brisk and reasonable. As the behaviorism hypothesis centers around the future and what's going on now rather than the past, treatment can be brisk and powerful as they are not talking about past encounters which might be tedious. In any case, since this hypothesis disregards past encounters and impacts, it might cause issues as people may need to examine past encounters so as to sift through their feelings. Since this hypothesis disregards them and spotlights on present encounters it can cause a significant issue as individuals will most likely be unable to profit by the treatment as they have to talk about their past. * Social Learning Theory: The Social Learning hypothesis was built up my Albert Bandura who accepted that we can learn by watching others. This hypothesis be that as it may, has various qualities and shortcomings. One of the extraordinary qualities of the social learning hypothesis is that it joins significant models of learning. This accordingly makes it decent training hypothesis. Another quality is that youngsters are seen are anything but difficult to educate and any kid can be instructed. Albert accepted that inspiration comes to a great extent through recognition. The commendation, notwithstanding, is seen by implication, since the model is lauded, not the youngster. When roused, the model gives the majority of instructing. The general idea is that kids the perfect condition to start learning valuable aptitudes. Another quality is that it is a simple hypothesis to handle and it is by all accounts commonly demonstrated by genuine encounter. For instance, when figuring out how to play football, people frequently first watch a game on TV, which gives the motivation and inspiration to figure out how to play. In any case, there are shortcomings that question if this hypothesis is right. The primary shortcoming of this hypothesis is that is does exclude the child’s psychological turn of events. While there are some subjective bits of knowledge in the social learning hypothesis, they are not clarified. Albert accepted that a kid was viewed as a wipe, engrossing data through demonstrating. In any case, the child’s commitment to how models are consumed is handled and turned out through time and is absent to any degree in the hypothesis. Another shortcoming is that is doesn't have any given reason. The social learning hypothesis clarifies that inspiration exists however acclaim. Be that as it may, it appears that inspiration is socially adapted, and thusly relative. The social learning at that point accepts the essential social structure as regularizing and standard, without judgment. * Psychodynamic: This hypothesis was created by Sigmund Freud and Erik Erickson and accepted that we are not constantly mindful of all parts of ourselves. They overlooked all science speculations and centered going â€Å"inside the head†. Anyway this hypothesis has various qualities and shortcomings. One quality of the psychodynamic hypothesis is that is centered around the impacts that youth tests have on the character. This is a quality since Freud was the main clinician to understand the significance of youth. It additionally prompted different clinicians including Piaget creating speculations on adolescence. Another quality is that it considers both nature and support. This is a significant quality as is underscore the significance of both. For instance, Freud’s suspicion of youth encounters concentrated on support though the ID, Ego and Super-inner self concentrated on nature. Notwithstanding, a shortcoming of the psychodynamic approach is that it is fit for being tried. This is a shortcoming in light of the fact that the suspicions can't be experimentally estimated or refuted, for instance, is the possibility of the brain being part into three sections. This can't be demonstrated so in this way questions if its substantial data. Another shortcoming is that it proposes that all conduct is pre-decided and individuals don't have unrestrained choice. * Biological methodology: The natural methodology was created by Arnold Gessel who clarified the formative procedure and stages required from origination onwards. A quality of this hypothesis is that it is logical. This is a significant quality in light of the fact that the analyses utilized are quantifiable, objective and can be rehashed to get dependable outcomes. Likewise, the specialist has more command over the variable. Another quality of the methodology is that it improves the probability of having the option to treat individuals with unusual conduct and gives clarifications about the reasons for conduct. This is a significant quality as it very well may be utilized to improve people’s lives. Be that as it may, a shortcoming of the organic methodology is that is concentrates a lot on the â€Å"nature†side of the nature/sustain banter. It contends that conduct is brought about by hormones, synapses and hereditary qualities. Another shortcoming of the natural methodology is that it creates hypotheses about clutters and sums them up to apply to everybody. It doesn't consider the view that people are one of a kind. A model for is that general adaption condition expect that everybody reacts similarly to pressure yet doesn't consider that a few people have or need more help than others. * Cognitive: The Cognitive hypothesis was improvement by Jean Piaget who accepted youngsters are brought into the world with an extremely fundamental mental structure, hereditarily acquired and developed, in which all ensuing learning and information is based. One quality of the subjective methodology is that is sees perspectives which were disregarded by different therapists, particularly behaviorists. It takes a gander at procedures, for example, memory, consideration and discernment which all affect our conduct. Another quality of this methodology is that its hypotheses have been applied to intellectual treatments, for example, normal emotive treatment which is a treatment that centers around settling enthusiastic and social issues and helping individuals to lead more joyful and additionally satisfying lives. This treatment has been effective in changing silly considerations with the goal that conduct improves. In any case, a shortcoming of the psychological methodology is that it lessens human conduct down to singular procedures, for example, memory and consideration. This is a shortcoming in light of the fact that the human is a result of the considerable number of procedures cooperating and not simply singular parts. Another shortcomings is that the methodology is excessively mechanical, it looks at the human to PCs and recommends they have comparable however forms. This is a shortcoming as people are substantially more perplexing than PCs. * Humanistic: The humanistic methodology was created by an analyst called Abraham Maslow who watched the investigation of the entire individual. He took a gander at human conduct through the eyes of the watched, however through the eyes of the individual doing the acting. A quality of this hypothesis is that is centers around both the positive idea of mankind and the choice related with change. Another quality is the manner by which a large number of its perspectives fit well with different methodologies. Numerous treatments have given a progressively humanistic hint in their work with customers. Despite the fact that they may contend that the humanistic hypothesis doesn't go far enough, they see the advantage in helping individuals change. Nonetheless, a shortcoming of this hypothesis if that is seems to focus on its absence of solid treatment on explicit issues. With the fundamental idea driving the hypothesis being through and through freedom, it is hard to create medicines and study the viability of this hypothesis. Furthermore, there are the individuals who accept that the humanistic hypothesis doesn't help those with progressively serious character or emotional well-being issues. Another shortcoming is that this hypothesis is as yet not complete as there are various inquiries that are as yet unanswered. For instance, are individuals fundamentally acceptable or are their a few people who are not equipped for this? As these inquiries are as yet unanswered it questions if the hypothesis is powerful.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
The Principle Of Utility - Free Essay Example
In John Stuart Mills Utilitarianism, he describes and explains the principle of utility and its importance to morality. Mills also breaks down the difference between direct and indirect normative utilitarianism. Bernard Williams piece Critiques on Utilitarianism shows a different side of the idea providing a different valuable perspective. I will be exploring Mills view and relating his ideas to some of Williams critiques. John Stuart Mills principle of utility provides us with a map to happiness. Mills speaks a lot of utility which means general well being or happiness. This principle of utility Mills mills speaks of is, also known as the First Principle or Greatest Happiness Principle. This principle means actions are right if they tend to promote happiness, and wrong if they tend to produce unhappiness. Unhappiness is pain and the lack of pleasure. This first principle says that when we perform good actions, we ultimately produce happiness. Mill makes an argument that the principle of utility is the first principle of morality. Morality tells us how we should act, this provides a guide to action, working to achieve a desired end goal. It is difficult to decide what is right and wrong so having a guide helps direct morality. Mills says that having such a foundation is fundamental for morality to have any legitimacy. This first principle leads toward moral progress. If happiness is the end goal of morality, moral action increases the amount of utility. Once happiness is recognized as the moral standard, natural attitude will nurture views that encourage utilitarianism. In Bernard Williams A Critique of Utilitarianism he tells the hypothetical case of George the chemist who is in the midst of a moral dilemma. George faces the decision to work on weapons he does not support and slow it down, or decline the offer and let someone who will get it done efficiently step into place. A utilitarian would say that the building of weapons is Georges fault because he would be letting someone more effective take the job. George would be just as responsible for the things he failed to prevent. Utilitarianism removes thoughts of how someone would feel about the circumstance. In this scenario George would feel directly responsible for the work he would be doing to promote weapons. Williams argues that the utilitarian view for why George should take the job is wrong. He explains the psychological effect on George in the long run would not create happiness if he takes the job. The utilitarian point of view disregards Georges feelings completely undermining utilitarianism in its purest form. I agree with Mills and think that we should strive to create a world that brings happiness. However I also agree with Williams in that integrity and emotions should be valued and accounted for in the process. Because utilitarianism only thinks of the consequences it appears that George accepting the job brought about the best consequences. I however believe that it is importance to honor Georges conscience. It is because of this I fell more aligned with Williams argument. It is negligent to disregard the emotions of a person and only worry about actions. Utilitarianism teaches that integrity is not important. A persons integrity is instrumentally important in creating who they are. We all must chose the point that we will not cross and intercity plays a crucial role in this.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Applied Behavioral Analysis and Case Studies Bobby,...
ent Applied Behavioral Analysis and Case Studies Bobby, Jackie, and Emma Joshua Stewart Kaplan University PS360- Unit 4 Assignment Prof. Chrystal Ayala June 15, 2015 Applied Behavioral Analysis and Case Studies Bobby, Jackie, and Emma Applied Behavioral Analysis is a natural science that aims to systematically apply intervention processes using the behavior learning theory in order to remove or change undesirable socially significant behaviors (Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007). Applied behavioral analysis can be applied in many setting and situations and the intervention process and techniques depend on those settings and individual situations. Applied behavioral analysis is used to modify target behaviors that can occur in†¦show more content†¦Bobby will never know when we he is going to get the positive reinforcement so he will continue to maintain the desired behavior. Mr. Kelly could write down 3 rewards on strips of paper and place them in a jar with blanks strips of paper. Every time Bobby cleans his room, he gets to draw from the jar until he gets a reward. This will also produce a high rate of responding, but minimize post-reinforcement pause. Using operant conditioning paired with positive reinforce ment with schedules that offer the reinforcement so that the behavior response happens quickly and often is the best process of behavior modification for this specific case (Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007). In the next case study, Jackie is a 23 year-old who was bit by a dog which required stitches when she was only 3. She remembers what happened in detail and the psychological distress from the trauma causes her to avoid dogs at all cost, however; she is engaged to a dog breeder and will need to learn to how to get past this before she gets married in which dogs will be a constant part of her life. Jackie needs help in overcoming this fear so she can live a healthy and happy home life. When trauma and distress engulf a person’s life and in turn dictates their behavior, there are specific principles that analysts use to help the individual overcome this obstacle and develop a modification
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Undocumented Immigrants And The United States Essay
I am not the ‘Ilegal’ you think I am, and Immigration is not what you think it is†Why do people cross the line illegally? there are many reasons for undocumented immigrants to cross the united states do with the poverty in the country, high level of education in the united states, and the better opportunity of jobs. Many immigrants decide to emigrate from their country of birth to seek a new opportunity for all the family, but analyze the information is not only one culture a lot of different cultures immigrant to have a better life in the united states. Undocumented immigration is a big issue in the united states because many immigrants come to live the â€Å"American Dream†. Immigrants from all around the different country come to a better economic opportunity, good education, and escape from their reality. First, immigrants move to the united states to get a better opportunity of jobs. The job opportunities being more abundant in America. Immigrants come to America is for better job opportunities and to make more money. In particular, young people, are leaving poorer parts of the world in search of job opportunities in the richer part of the world. For example, in the TED TALK†My Immigration Story†by Tan Le, Le tells the story of the women of her family who escaped the communist rule in Vietnam. Her story is about two person lives in two different worlds the first one is immigrant’s life and the other is the world she found herself in. her mother moves to have a betterShow MoreRelatedUndocumented Immigrants Of The United States Essay1679 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Undocumented immigrants in the United States cannot obtain a driver’s license since they do not have social security cards and other essential identification documents. A few states, however, have enacted laws to permit illegal immigrants to drive on the states’ public roads and highways. 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In this paper, I will be discussing the multiple stressors related to undocumented immigrants as wellRead MoreUndocumented Immigrants And The United States Essay1066 Words  | 5 Pagesmany reasons for undocumented immigrants to cross the united states do with the poverty in the country, high level of education in the united states, and the better opportunity of jobs. Many immigrants decide to emigrate from their country of birth to seek a new opportunity for all the family, but analyze the information is not only one culture a lot of different cultures immigrant to have a better life in the united states. Undocumented immigration is a big issue in the united states because many immigrantsRead MoreUndocumented Immigrants And The United States1104 Words  | 5 PagesThe land of opportunities is also known as the United States, which is a place of freedom when the Gonzales family leaves their home and everything else, to better their conditions. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Foundation of Management Activities
Question: Discuss about the Foundation of Management Activities. Answer: Introduction The business world consists of activities in and within buying, selling of goods and services, which take place both locally and globally. The business world is affected with issues of management, since managers play a crucial role in the success o many businesses. In doing so, there are different principles that these individual uses, to run their businesses whether they are small or large scale in nature (Pricop 2012, p. 28-56). The contemporary business world employs different principles, set out in various theories of management including the classical management theory, the contingency management theory, and the behavioral theory, the X and Y management theory, he systems view theory, among others. In the contemporary world unlike the industrial age when the classical theory of management was most common, institutions embrace a combination of different approaches. For instance, the Coca-Cola a company, an international beverage company uses a combination of all these management theories in different parts of the world, in order to ensure that profits are maintained and that their brands continue selling highly everywhere (Nikulina Khomenko 2015, p. 441-445). Today, using a fit it all approach may lead to many problems to managers. Therefore, it is only important that management policies are flexible to accommodate all the advantageous aspect of individual theories, as long as productivity and efficiency are guaranteed. Different scholars including Schermerhorn et al (2012) have discussed these theories. The major theories include the classical management theory, the behavioral management approach, the systems view theory, and the contingency management approach. The management approaches have been used for some time, since the industrial age, in different parts of the world. While some institutions favor the use of one or two of the approaches, others embrace the sure o all of them (Pricop 2012, p. 28-56). However as time goes by, it has been evident that local and international business policies have shaped these theories. For instance, labour laws; continue to bring change in management in regard to policies on employee welfare at work. The Most Relevant Management Approach Classical Management The classical management theory may be the most relevant area of management. According to Schermerhorn et al, the classical management theory mainly focuses on workers productivity, efficiency on duty and their output but not the variation of their individual behaviors at work. Other scholars have indicated that the classical management approach combines the characteristics of not only the bureaucratic and the administrative theories but also the scientific theory of management (Bao 2015, p. 433-454). The classical management approach tries to ensure that consumer and investor benefits are maximized consistently and remain above fair levels. Schermerhorn et al (2012) indicates that Henri Fayol, Fredrick Taylor, and Max Weber were the theorists that developed this approach. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Classical Management Theory The theory is considered to have an advantage over other theories by Killen et al (2012, p. 525-538), since it is mainly based on the hierarchical organizational structure that defines the particular objectives and responsibilities of every manager at different organizational management levels. Secondly, the classical management approach advocates for the division of labour and thus emphasizing on specialization on particular duties for workers. According to Schermerhorn et al (2012), division of labour as supported by the classical theory is one of the crucial strategies that any management may need to use in order to boost the performance of employees within a firm and reduce the total costs of operation within the firm. On the other hand, the classical theory is believed to be the best approach in management as it enables faster and efficient decision-making process. However, critics of the classical theory as shown by Pricop (2012, p. 28-56) have indicated that the major disadvan tage that the theory holds is that it lowers the motivation of employees, organizational growth and creativity among these individuals. At the same time, classical management may discourage teamwork as specialization makes people mainly concentrate on their areas of knowledge. Further, the classical approach to management tends to ignore workers desires. While it focuses on the success of the set objectives within an organization, this approach does not favor the wishes of workers more so in the latest millennial workforces. Considering Maslows hierarchy of needs in motivational approaches for workers, it is clear that human beings move to satisfy their most basic needs before moving on to satisfy secondary needs, within the hierarchy. Schermerhorn et al (2012) seem to agree that the classical management theory may just contradict this view under the Maslows hierarchy of needs, as it ignores the needs of workers, both basic and secondary in nature. Other Areas of Management Behavioral Management Approaches in Management The behavioral management theory includes approaches that concentrate on motivation of the workforce in order to realize institutional productivity, efficiency, and higher output. Schermerhorn et al (2012), argue that the behavioral management theory involves the analysis of the expectations of every employee, the dynamics that exist within the workers, conflict resolution approaches, personal interests, and teamwork needs. It is thus clear that the behavioral management approach is absolutely contrasted to the classical management theory as the later completely ignores the needs of the worker and instead focuses on the outcomes of institutional productivity (Marshall 2008, p. 413-435). Schermerhorn et al (2012) indicate that Elton Mayo was one of the earliest behavioral theorists who examined a number of workers teams and further carried out experiments to show how the workers responded and the extent to which their productivity could be affected. Elton Mayo relied on the Hawthorne Effect, which is a renowned behavioral change, which occurs where an individual is aware that they are being observed. From the findings of these experiments, conclusions were drawn that workers can increases their productivity once accorded special privileges including free lunch and more independence on duty. Further, Schermerhorn et al (2012) agree with Mayos theory that cliques and leadership skills among the workers impact on the productivity of the workers. Nikulina Khomenko (2015, p. 441-445) argue that despite the behavioral theory should have been the best approach more so in the Industrial Age in Europe and across the world. While the classical approach is said to assume workers to be cogs in a given machine while concentrating on maximizing the overall productivity through pure workforce efficiency behavioral management approach views the workers to be individuals that require varying motivational factors from one another. Contingency Management Approach The contingency management approach as presented by Schermerhorn et al (2012) assumes that the effectiveness of management is contingent, and/or relies on the interplay that emerges between applying behaviors of management and the particular situations. In this regard, the contingency management theory advocates for a change in management, depending on the circumstances that emerge within an institution, at any given time. As advanced by Fred Fielder a management psychologist, the contingency theory stipulates that the effectiveness of leadership in relation to the effectiveness of workers groups consist of both task motivation/relation motivation and the current circumstances(Rosenberg Ferlie 2014, p.1-19). The contingency management approach measures task motivation and/or the relation motivation using the Least Preferred Co-Worker scale (LPC). According to Fielder, individuals who have a higher score on the LPC score tend to maintain harmony in regard to their relationships with other workers. On the other hand, those people that rate lower on the LPC scale are motivated to focus mainly on accomplishing their duties and/or specific tasks. Schermerhorn et al (2012), indicate that both task/relations motivations remain contingent, whether the manager can manage to control and effect the situational favorability of the group of workers, or the outcome. The contingency theory indicates that a manager can assess an institutional management situational favorability using three major factors. These include the leader-member relations, the task structure, and the position power (Czekaj ZiÄâ„ ¢bicki 2013, p. 156). The leader-member relations as a factor tend to address the perception of the managers regarding their perception of their cooperative relations with the institutional subordinates. The task structure is related to as whether the tasks are highly structured and thus subject to the standard procedures and adequate assessment measures. While some tasks may be easy to be structured, standardized, and assessed, some may not (Bitektine Miller 2014, p. 115-130). The position power as a factor in management tends t o inquire whether the level of authority of the manager is based mainly on punishing and/or rewarding employee behavior. According to Schermerhorn et al(2012), the position power as a factor tries to determine as to whether the managers derives their authority from the provision of bonuses to workers for meeting the institutional goals or through termination of employees for failing to meet particular goals. The interaction among these three major factors leads to various situations in management. These situations are categorized as favorable, intermediate, and unfavorable ones. In agreement with Schermerhorn et al (2012), either a high or a low LPC-score manager can handle these situations better. Majority of management psychologists argue that the high LPC-score managers are mostly effective in terms of influencing the behaviors of different employee groups within the intermediate situations (Jeffrey 2012, p. 63-78). On the other hand, low-rate LPC managers can mostly be effective in influencing employee behavior more so during the favorable and/or unfavorable situations. Systems View Theory in Management The systems theory of management stipulates that every organization is a system and is thus part of the larger systems.In this regard, the way a subsystem can fit the requirements of the larger systems absolutely determines if such a subsystem will prosper or can be left to fail in productivity and efficiency. According to Schermerhorn et al (2012), the systems view approach in management involves looking outward and beyond the company-office building walls. Brahm Tarzijn (2013, p. 224-245) indicate that looking and considering the world to be a collection of different systems that create a whole is one of the strategies of the systems view theory. Further, the examination of the relationships between individual systems in order to determine their impact on the whole system, is imperative. Schermerhorn et al (2012) describe the systems view theory in two different ways. First, every system plays a major role within the higher-level system, where it exists. Secondly, every subsystem is divided into components and/or subsystems which mutually interact and thus contributing wholly to the objectives of the parent system. Therefore, in line with Hill Gareth (2012, p. 45-50), the success of an institution relies on the performance of the individual subsystems within a given institution, and the favorable conditions set up by larger systems, under which an institution exists. Conclusion In conclusion, this presentation is a commentary on the four areas of management as advanced by Schermerhorn et al (2012). These include the behavioral management theory; the systems view management theory, the contingency management approach, and the classical management theory. It also includes the views of other scholars and critics to these theories. Despite the advantages of some of these approaches over others, it is essential managers to combine them in running their institutions. This will boost efficiency, productivity, worker motivation, and general system performance in an industry. References Bao, G. (2015). What theories are needed for strategic management? Nankai Business Review International, 6(4), 433-454. Bitektine, A. Miller, D. (2014). Methods, Theories, Data, and the Social Dynamics of Organizational Research. Journal Of Management Inquiry, 24(2), 115-130. Brahm, F. Tarzijn, J. (2013). Transactional hazards, institutional change, and capabilities: Integrating the theories of the firm. Strat. Mgmt. J., 35(2), 224-245. Czekaj, J. ZiÄâ„ ¢bicki, B. (2013). Positive organizational scholarship against evolution of management theories and concepts. Organization And Management, 2013(3 (156). Killen, C., Jugdev, K., Drouin, N., Petit, Y. (2012). Advancing project and portfolio management research: Applying strategic management theories. International Journal Of Project Management, 30(5), 525-538. Marshall, N. (2008). Cognitive and Practice-based Theories of Organizational Knowledge and Learning: Incompatible or Complementary?. Management Learning, 39(4), 413-435. Nikulina, I. Khomenko, I. (2015). Cognitive Management: Theory and Practice in the Organization. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 166, 441-445. Pricop, O. (2012). Critical Aspects in the Strategic Management Theory. Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences, 58, 98-107. Rosenberg Hansen, J. Ferlie, E. (2014). Applying Strategic Management Theories in Public Sector Organizations: Developing a typology. Public Management Review, 18(1), 1-19. John R. Schermerhorn, Paul Davidson, David Poole, Alan Simon, Peter Woods, So Ling Chau., (2012). Management Foundations and Applications. Published by John Wiley Sons. McDougal Street:Milton Qld 4064. Jeffrey A Miles. (2012). Management and Organization Theory : a Jossey-Bass Reader. Published by John Wiley Sons, 2012. Hill, Charles W.L., Gareth R. Jones. (2012) Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach, Cengage Learning, 10th Edition.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Untitled Essay Research Paper In the Heart free essay sample
Untitled Essay, Research Paper In the Heart of Darkness, it is really easy to bury what is existent and what is civilized. The studs that Marlow negotiations approximately, to repair his boat, are really symbolic of his demand to go riveted to world. Marlow feels that he is stealing into savageness from what he sees around him. In the narrative, The Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, there is a all right line between civilisation and savageness and Marlow needs the studs to assist him happen himself in his ain psyche or where his ain world is. The tusk is another object that causes savageness. The people are seeking to happen this tusk, but they are merely acquiring themselves deeper into the Heart of Darkness, deeper into savageness, and further off from civilisation. Marlow is in the Hear of Darkness. Nothing in it is civilized. It is merely natural for a individual to get down turning towards savageness if he or she is surrounded by it. We will write a custom essay sample on Untitled Essay Research Paper In the Heart or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is why Marlow speaks about the studs. He says, # 8220 ; What I truly wanted was studs, by Eden! Rivets. To acquire on with the work-to halt the hole. Studs I wanted. # 8221 ; He doesn # 8217 ; t really want studs for his boat. He wants studs for hello s life to maybe salvage whatever sanity he has left. The nightmares and the things he sees are making him lose touch with reality. Mr. Kurtz is a perfect example of losing touch with reality. He is insane from being in the Heart of Darkness. He is a very intelligent man, a â€Å"universal genius.†He is just no longer civilized. Marlow says, â€Å"and rivets were what really Mr. Kurtz wanted, if he had only known it.†If Mr. Kurtz had the rivets, he would have been able to leave the Heart of Darkness and escape from the savagery and insanity, which had taken over him later in the story. The ivory also causes savagery. Ivory symbolizes the only sanity that is in all the darkness. It causes people to kill animals and people just so they can have a sense of reality, but all it does is make them more savage. â€Å"The only real feeling was a desire to get appointed to a trading post where ivory was to be had.†Marlow has a desire to have some light in the middle of darkness. He has a desire for civilization. As one can see, the rivets and the ivory both cause savagery and insanity. These objects determine what side of that fine line Marlow stands in.
Friday, March 13, 2020
The good life chapter 5 Essay
The good life chapter 5 Essay The good life chapter 5 Essay Chapter Summary – Chapter 5 â€Å"Do Unto Others..†This chapter greatly explores the idea of living the good life by presenting its audience with the understanding that, in order to live the good life, one must not only live to please oneself, but to please those around them too. Mackay explores this idea when he says, â€Å"The whole idea of a good life will evaporate if we focus on ourselves, and what we get out of it†. He emphasizes the fact that the good life consists of living a life for others, - â€Å"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you†. The author also explores the ideas of the good life by relating it to morals, goodness, solitary and religion and the Golden Rule. The good life is one defined by our ability for unselfishness, the quality of our relationships and our willingness to connect with others in a useful way. The ‘true’ goodness of life that Mackay wishes to inform us of is represented through the ideas. Morals are explored as Mackay tries to show how many of us confuse emotions with morals, when it comes to moral judgments. To do this Mackay uses a vignette called, ‘Henry’s Little Secret’ as it strongly plays on the viewers’ emotions towards morality. The anecdote is used to give the readers a clearer realization of the fact that more often, than not, one mixes their mentions with their moral judgments, which in fact leaves the situation judged bias. Mackay’s main aim in doing this is to present the idea that everyone has their own definition of a good life due to their own moral values towards situations. Mackay also presents the idea of goodness in this chapter, as he tries to further express the fact that the good life is slightly different to each person if you explore it further than living a life for others. He does this by pointing out that many people have different definitions of ‘good’, and that us, as a society, often have to compare good with bad to justify its ‘goodness’. Mackay does this when he says, â€Å"It’s just that these things aren’t what the good life is about†. We also learn that solitary is not a way to live a good life, and that a life lived along is a life not lived ‘good’. He does this to encourage the idea of living a life for others as he says, â€Å"You can lead a blameless, exciting or passionate life on your own, but you cant lead a good life on your own, because morality is about our interactions.†He incorporates religion with the idea of a good life, as he tries to represent it as the main body holding the Golden Rule – the fact that we think of ourselves as members of society rather than individuals. He shows that the idea
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
The Future of Cybersecurity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Future of Cybersecurity - Essay Example As we have seen $14 billion has been invested by the U.S federal government to empower its security sector (Amoroso & Amoroso, 2007). This research aims to answer some of the important questions that are associated with cyber security. In this scenario, this paper attempts to answer the questions such as what changes need to occur in the cyber security industry of the future and why. And is cyber security becoming more important to national security than the security of kinetic weaponry? The outburst of Cyber Assault The countries which are currently attacking United States include China and Russia. In fact, the chances of cyber security attacks have increased to a huge extent from these two nations because of their original revival in the global economy. The United States has been accusing both China and Russia of current attacks that the United States has been experiencing. The current technological advancement has greatly influenced several nations which have mainly exposed China, United States, UK and Bangladesh. It is quite expected that physical defense associated with countries particularly talking about USA will be affected which mainly with cyber terrors. Threats for controlling systems can be associated from various resources especially antagonistic governments, terrorist associations (, 2013). Additionally, for ensuring confidentiality and privacy in the informatics, it is exceedingly recommended that there should be a national level association to demeanor the in vogue studies and prepare reports on issues in the works at the crossroads of cyber attacks and privacy, society level suggested boards that would help speak to these issues from local or community perspectives. In addition, there is also a risk that even the restricted public cyber attacks that have been modeled after the ethics committees to take in hand the explicit situations concerning health data and privacy should be working in order to preserve the restrictions rel ated to the field of cyber security. In this scenario, some of the major suggestions regarding implementation of security measures to deal with these cyber attacks include adopting the restricted, well defined, well practiced and fruitful public security requirements, including a focused assessment of security attentiveness for all public systems, and contemplation for split funding of the work compulsory to achieve ample security. It is an admitted fact that securing the rights of the people and retaining their due confidence is the responsibility taken up by the government and this has been very intensely regulated by institutions (, 2012). President Obama perception on Cyber Attacks A Cyber security executive orders were issued by the president of the U.S.A, Barack Obama, drew the attention by proposing policies that could defend the country from the current torment of cyber attacks
Sunday, February 9, 2020
STRATEGIC CHANGE MANAGEMENT NHS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
STRATEGIC CHANGE MANAGEMENT NHS - Essay Example Reference should be primarily made to the ‘improvisational approach’ (Smit 2000, p.1995) of strategic change. The above theory is used in a particular phase of change management: the implementation phase. The theory, which has been developed by ‘Redding and Catalanello in 1994’ (Smit 2000, p.1995) has three, key, characteristics: a) it emphasizes on experimentation, b) it promotes sanctions rather than direct interventions and c) it is based on the transformation of existing structures and the rewarding of individuals for supporting change (Smit 2000). Through a different point of view, the Open Systems theory promotes the idea that ‘all organizations are members of an open system’ (Wilson 1992, p.42). ... One of the most known models of change is that developed by Lewin in 1950 (Kew and Stredwick 2005). The specific model which is presented in Figure 1, below, promotes the idea that in all organizations change is implemented in three phases: ‘unfreezing, movement and refreezing’ (Kew and Stredwick 2005, p.221). These phases could be analyzed as follows: a) unfreezing; before change is attempted it is required that awareness of the need for change exists; this phase of Lewin’s model reflects the realization of the need for change, b) movement; the particular phase refers to the actions taken for promoting change; these actions can be differentiate across organizations according to organizational goals, the market conditions and the resources available and c) refreezing; this phase of Lewin’s model shows the transition to a new organizational environment, after the implementation of change has been completed ((Kew and Stredwick 2005). Figure 1 – Lewinâ €™s model of change management (source: Another approach for explaining organizational change is described in the study of Glynn and Woodside (2012). The above researchers refer to the model of strategic change developed by Barr and Huff in 1997. According to the particular model managers are likely to promote changes only in the following case: if changes have already appeared in the firm’s environment then measures are taken so that the organization is able to respond to these changes (Glynn and Woodside 2012). In other words, in the context of each organization changes can lead to further changes, either in the short or the long term. However, managers do not always respond
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Mary shellys frankenstein Essay Example for Free
Mary shellys frankenstein Essay Frankenstein was written in 1817 by Mary Shelley. Shelley was from a family of intellectuals and one of the most influential writers of the time and a big part of the Romantic movement. The book is about a man who strives to create the ultimate being, but creates something worse than he could have imagined. Right from the start we see that our main character, Victor Frankenstein, has a keen interest for Natural Philosophy. This only adds to his curiosity when his University professor, Mr Waldman, shows him his plans to create life. This curiosity; along with the fact that his mother died when he was young; drives him to carry out Professor Waldmans plans to create the ultimate being. The plans greatly help Victor in his venture to create life. They help him find out what he needs to do it. At this time in the scientific world, it was a time of progress and discovery. Scientists were only just starting to understand the concept of how the human body worked, so to transplant vital organs from one to another was a huge leap forward. Victor believes that if he creates life successfully his name will be put down in history and his memory will live on. By trying to create life, Victor was greatly challenging the accepted beliefs of the time. Organ transplants were unheard of, which is basically what Victor is doing. The scene I am writing about is at a crucial moment in the novel, as there are vast amounts of consequences to what Victor is doing. Because this scene is a vital part of the novel, Mary Shelley wants to crate a dramatic atmosphere. She accomplishes this through good use of language, detailed setting descriptions and in-depth descriptions of the characters actions. To create a dramatic atmosphere, Mary Shelley gives us a vivid image of the setting as she describes it in such detail. For example, in the first paragraph it is described as a dreary night in November. The word dreary makes the reader think of fog, when referring to the weather. this could be perceived as symbolism, representing mysteriousness, as you cant see whats ahead of you in fog. The significance of it being in November is great. This is because November is one of the months where the sun goes down early, and this contributes to the feeling of uncertainty, because darkness is associated with bad happenings. The rain is also described in this very paragraph. The rain pattered dismally against the panes. The words used to describe the rain falling are pattered dismally. This suggests that the rain is not coming down heavily, and has been coming down for some time with no intention of stopping. Dismally also suggests that Victor is tired of it raining as dismally is generally used when someone is bored of something that has been happening for a long period of time. It is also described as being one in the morning. The middle of the night. This is associated with bad happenings, and most people are asleep so there is no-one to come to Victors aid if anything bad should happen. This creates a tension filled atmosphere as he is completely alone. Victor Frankenstein, as well as being the main character, is the narrator. This helps the audience find out his feelings towards his creation. The way he describes it is as if it is something so ugly, yet beautiful as he has succeeded in creating life. For example, Victor describes his creation as having a shrivelled complexion. From this description we can tell that Victor feels his creation is ugly and that he is disgusted at what he has created. I say this because you dont describe someone beautiful as having a shrivelled complexion. Victor is disappointed, as he designed his creature to be beautiful, but now he describes it as a demoniacal corpse. Victors actions upon seeing his creature also show the reader his feelings towards it. For example, Victor runs away in horror, suggesting that he wants nothing to do with the creature and is basically disowning it. This is ironic, as later on in the novel, the creature goes after Victors friends and family because Victor disowned him. Victor also sits on the stairs, contemplating the ethics of what he has just done. These two actions show the reader that Victor, having created life, now regrets his decision and wants to put it right. He cant sleep because he is filled with regret and is afraid of what might happen as he has just abandoned what is technically his son. The creatures actions have a certain effect on the reader. Initially the creature cannot talk, so the reader has no idea what he is thinking, so when he approaches Victor it creates suspense as the reader doesnt know what will happen next. The creature reaches out and tries to speak, which is when Victor runs. As the creature is so big and scarred and cant communicate, it is immediately seen as evil. This impression turns out to be wrong as the creature is gentle and scared- he only turns evil when he is rejected by Victor and the family he has been watching. This rejection makes the reader have some sympathy towards the creature when he learns he is not wanted. To emphasise the horror or the creature, there is a reference to Dante in the last paragraph: even Dante could not have conceived. The audience would have been familiar with Dante and his work. Mainly his seven circles of hell in The Inferno. This familiarity the audience at the time had with Dante shocked them. Dante was seen as a bit eccentric and if he could not have thought of something so horrific, it must be extremely bad. The choices Mary Shelley made in language, description and setting help to create atmosphere as all the adjectives used are sinister, and help to create an evil atmosphere e. g. lifeless. As there is this evil atmosphere, the audience feel the tension as it seems like something bad is going to happen. It is this tension that makes this scene so crucial to the novel and so different from all the others. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Partial Birth Abortion is Murder Essay -- Argument Argumentative Persu
Partial Birth Abortion is Murder Partial birth abortion is a controversial method of abortion late in a woman’s pregnancy in which the baby is aborted by a craniotomy. Two organizations are commonly affiliated with abortion: Pro-choice supports abortion saying that what is in a woman’s body is her â€Å"property†, while Pro-life believes it is murder of innocent babies. Partial birth abortion is murder of innocent children and an abomination to basic human rights and values. Thesis Statement: Partial birth abortion is murder of innocent babies and an abomination to basic human rights and values. I. The differing sides on Intact D&X are distinctly opposite A. Pro-choice supports abortions 1. Done 650 times a year and only when the mother’s life is endangered or the child is deformed 2. Says the public is mistaken in its knowledge of Intact Dilation and Extraction B. Pro-life doesn’t support abortions of any kind 1. Backed by medical experts it is claimed that 80% of partial birth abortions are purely elective 2. Believes the baby is a living human being and deserves the rights of a human II. There are benefits and harmful consequences to P.B.A. A. Many abortionists claim that the benefits far out way the consequences 1. It is safer, quicker, and easier 2. Intact D&X is less traumatic to the mother B. There are also many harmful effects 1. Risk of uterine and breast cancer is increased 2. Rates of depression also increase III. The issue of partial birth abortion has come into our courtrooms A. Congress made its first attempt to ban P.B.A in 1996 1.Brenda Shafer R.N. testified to what she saw in abortion clinic 2. Congress passed the ban, but President Clinton vetoed the bill B. The second attempt was made in 1997 1. Passed Congress again 2. President Clinton vetoed the bill Imagine being in excruciating pain from a gaping hole in the back of your neck. Then you hear a slight â€Å"whirr†before your brains are sucked out through a tiny tube. Sadly this happens to many babies each day because they are unwanted, inconvenient, or imperfect. The abortionist first delivers the baby breech style except for the head, scissors are then jammed into the head at the base of the skull, and the brains sucked out, the skull then collapses. This procedure is commonly known as partial birth abortion or Intact Dilation and E... ...ference of a couple weeks, and even just a few days separates the abortionist from a murderer, and the procedure from Infanticide. We need to take strong action against not only partial birth abortion, but also abortions of any kind by writing our representatives and senators. References Information Page on Abortion. Retrieved October 17, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Partial Birth Abortion (1996). Retrieved October 17, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Shafer, B. P. (1996, March 21). Hearing on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act (HR 1833). Retrieved October 23, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Sprang and Neerhof (1998, August 26). Rationale for Banning Abortions Late in Pregnancy. American Medical Association 280 744-747. Retrieved October 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Sykes, M. (2000). ‘Late Term’ Confusion, ‘Partial Birth’ Lies. Retrieved October 23, 2000 from the World Wide Web:
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Money Is Not Everything
In fact, poverty is currently one of the major issues in the world. People tend to choose job that has higher salary they can find in order to earn more money for them to spend on, because they think money is everything. Even thought money gives people the opportunity to buy what they need, it does not buy happiness. Job satisfactions are becoming more crucial to achieve happiness in people’s life.Happiness through jobs can be achieved if people choose the job according to their personality and interest in order for them to use their skills and abilities, and sometimes if the job can be done effortless, people tend to encounter boredom and eventually lose motivation. When some people graduated from high school, they choose specific subject field in the university to study. One reason to this is because it gives them the opportunity to establish more understanding and knowledge to what they are interested in for their future career.For example, a graduate law student would most likely want to enter a law related job instead of forestry. People establish skills from what they learned. People also become more active if they are able to work on a task that they are interested on. According to John Holland’s personality-job fit theory, job satisfaction is based on a person’s interest. Their interests came from different types of personality they have. People will ultimately be successfully if they choose a job that best suits their talents and abilities. Therefore, being successful will lead them to a higher-paying job that gives them pleasure.Some people may be luckily enough to have a job that does not require much of an effort but still pays high. However, in a short while, these people might find that they are losing motivations, because of the continuous effortlessly tasks to be done. Motivations play a very important role in job. Without motivations, people’s performance will greatly decrease. Also, people will start losing their te amwork spirit and eventually get fired. Having a bit of a challenging job will not only stimulate the employee to work harder, but also be recognized by the company, and therefore be raised for a greater amount of salary.In fact, according to Stephen P. Robbins, most of the people prefer jobs that offer them a variety of tasks, freedom, and feedback on their performances. Working at jobs that people enjoy makes them more proficient and satisfied with their emotional needs. People should consider their interests and personality fit before they select jobs because both of two characters can motivate the individual potential abilities. It is also recommended that people do personality tests before they search for a new job, therefore, they can find the job they like that they are good at. Money Is Not Everything Money is essential that brings for man all his necessities and luxuries for his comfortable existence. Life without money is undoubtedly a virtual hell, with pangs of hunger and thirst eating into man’s very bones. However, at the same time for man to think that, money is everything, is also a great mistake. Money is necessity only in as much as, it is the thing which buys for us all we need, but, beyond that, money is a harbinger of all sorts of vices. Let us remember that money is to be considered as a means to an end, and not an end in itself. The end, is a comfortable life, and the means is money. If we consider money as a means to our end of having a comfortable life then, we would be seeing money in its proper perspective for without money we can not live as, we are not able to buy anything if we do not have money. So much, so good but, in the present day scenario, money is no more a means to an end but, and in itself. To collect money, to hoard money and become richer and richer has become our sole aim in life. It is here in our outlook towards money that we have erred, and so the disastrous situation we are placed in, is not hidden from any one. Each individual has set a goal of hoarding money and money only, and this also not fixed to a certain amount, we just have to go on and on irrespective of how much we need, for the lust for money has become our very style of life. It is a wild goose chase that we are all indulging in, and that, at the cost of all the rest we had. True, money gives us all that we require but money is not all the only thing that we need to keep happy and fit. There are several other things that make life beautiful and mind that these can not be purchased with any amount of money. For example, a gush of wind from where we take our very breath of life, cannot be purchased at any cost. We can wear the most glamorous dresses but, to give health to that same body, no amount of money is enough. We can buy the thickest and costliest of mattresses with money but, no amount of money can buy for us a good sound, night’s sleep. These few facts are sufficient to awake us to the fact that, there are many other important things that make for a happy life, and money is not all. We should thereby give money only its due importance and not make it all important, for, if we do that, we are certainly going to sacrifice some other vital items of a good life. Now let us analyze to some extent how this money is capable of playing havoc in life. In reality, the position of the society today, is far from being enviable, is largely due to this money mania that has caught hold of the society. Each and every individual is busy in his/her money spinning activities. At this juncture, I would like to mention the fact that in our Hindu mythology, the Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth has an owl for her transport. This is very significant as it is believed that the pursuit of money, as it is today; make an owl of a man. I’d say that we have all become money maniacs, sacrificing every conceivable pleasure on the altar of wealth. Is this not owlish sense? When we lose our equilibrium, we become the significant owls. Today, we have sacrificed the bliss of a happy and contented family in the guise of material luxuries which, we think are all that we need. We have no time to love each other, care for each other or, serve each other in the family because each member of the family is busy in the struggle of making money. In this unit of a family, where, at one time the love we got was an elixir for our tired nerves, is now a missing entity. I suggest that a stage has now come when we must give up our on fighting for money and give it only the amount respect and importance it deserves, it should be treated only as a means to an end, and not an end itself, only then we will be able to strike a balance between the inputs of money and the inputs of other things we need to live a happy and satisfied life.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Professional Integrity - 864 Words
Professional Integrity Professor: Steven Ah By: Ahmed Hammouedeh Date: 03- 02- 2015 Day to day interactions with all the relevant parties in business transactions calls for the individual parties to give due diligence to upholding of ethical behaviour. Ethics, generally defined as the norms of conduct that extricate between unacceptable and acceptable conduct, plays a crucial role in decision-making and to facilitate business transactions efficiently (Brecher, 2013). By being ethical, one is able to obtain a personal advantage, approval and inner benefit given the fact that, virtue serves as its own reward. This is usually the case when faced with two conflicting issues or alternative causes of action that have far reaching†¦show more content†¦Another potential problem that may arise is erosion of the company’s good reputation as a result of faulty motor vehicles that one of the company’s dealers might sell to the customers. In order to make good ethical decisions in the future, it is first important that as an individual, I have to understan d the firm’s organization values. These include evaluating the standards of behaviour that are of most significance to the company and always adhering to these values even in situations that would place me at a competitive disadvantage. This is informed by the fact that ethical action is a consequence of physiological processes: recognition, moral character, motivation and moral focus. Re-evaluation of possible courses of actions before taking a particular decision is also important. This is important since it helps the decision maker reflect on the effect of decisions on the fundamental principles of ethics, the decision maker and all the stake-holders involved. Branding personal reputation as a highly respected ethical leader can be achieved by making use of the information revolution presented by social media. 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