Thursday, January 30, 2020
Mary shellys frankenstein Essay Example for Free
Mary shellys frankenstein Essay Frankenstein was written in 1817 by Mary Shelley. Shelley was from a family of intellectuals and one of the most influential writers of the time and a big part of the Romantic movement. The book is about a man who strives to create the ultimate being, but creates something worse than he could have imagined. Right from the start we see that our main character, Victor Frankenstein, has a keen interest for Natural Philosophy. This only adds to his curiosity when his University professor, Mr Waldman, shows him his plans to create life. This curiosity; along with the fact that his mother died when he was young; drives him to carry out Professor Waldmans plans to create the ultimate being. The plans greatly help Victor in his venture to create life. They help him find out what he needs to do it. At this time in the scientific world, it was a time of progress and discovery. Scientists were only just starting to understand the concept of how the human body worked, so to transplant vital organs from one to another was a huge leap forward. Victor believes that if he creates life successfully his name will be put down in history and his memory will live on. By trying to create life, Victor was greatly challenging the accepted beliefs of the time. Organ transplants were unheard of, which is basically what Victor is doing. The scene I am writing about is at a crucial moment in the novel, as there are vast amounts of consequences to what Victor is doing. Because this scene is a vital part of the novel, Mary Shelley wants to crate a dramatic atmosphere. She accomplishes this through good use of language, detailed setting descriptions and in-depth descriptions of the characters actions. To create a dramatic atmosphere, Mary Shelley gives us a vivid image of the setting as she describes it in such detail. For example, in the first paragraph it is described as a dreary night in November. The word dreary makes the reader think of fog, when referring to the weather. this could be perceived as symbolism, representing mysteriousness, as you cant see whats ahead of you in fog. The significance of it being in November is great. This is because November is one of the months where the sun goes down early, and this contributes to the feeling of uncertainty, because darkness is associated with bad happenings. The rain is also described in this very paragraph. The rain pattered dismally against the panes. The words used to describe the rain falling are pattered dismally. This suggests that the rain is not coming down heavily, and has been coming down for some time with no intention of stopping. Dismally also suggests that Victor is tired of it raining as dismally is generally used when someone is bored of something that has been happening for a long period of time. It is also described as being one in the morning. The middle of the night. This is associated with bad happenings, and most people are asleep so there is no-one to come to Victors aid if anything bad should happen. This creates a tension filled atmosphere as he is completely alone. Victor Frankenstein, as well as being the main character, is the narrator. This helps the audience find out his feelings towards his creation. The way he describes it is as if it is something so ugly, yet beautiful as he has succeeded in creating life. For example, Victor describes his creation as having a shrivelled complexion. From this description we can tell that Victor feels his creation is ugly and that he is disgusted at what he has created. I say this because you dont describe someone beautiful as having a shrivelled complexion. Victor is disappointed, as he designed his creature to be beautiful, but now he describes it as a demoniacal corpse. Victors actions upon seeing his creature also show the reader his feelings towards it. For example, Victor runs away in horror, suggesting that he wants nothing to do with the creature and is basically disowning it. This is ironic, as later on in the novel, the creature goes after Victors friends and family because Victor disowned him. Victor also sits on the stairs, contemplating the ethics of what he has just done. These two actions show the reader that Victor, having created life, now regrets his decision and wants to put it right. He cant sleep because he is filled with regret and is afraid of what might happen as he has just abandoned what is technically his son. The creatures actions have a certain effect on the reader. Initially the creature cannot talk, so the reader has no idea what he is thinking, so when he approaches Victor it creates suspense as the reader doesnt know what will happen next. The creature reaches out and tries to speak, which is when Victor runs. As the creature is so big and scarred and cant communicate, it is immediately seen as evil. This impression turns out to be wrong as the creature is gentle and scared- he only turns evil when he is rejected by Victor and the family he has been watching. This rejection makes the reader have some sympathy towards the creature when he learns he is not wanted. To emphasise the horror or the creature, there is a reference to Dante in the last paragraph: even Dante could not have conceived. The audience would have been familiar with Dante and his work. Mainly his seven circles of hell in The Inferno. This familiarity the audience at the time had with Dante shocked them. Dante was seen as a bit eccentric and if he could not have thought of something so horrific, it must be extremely bad. The choices Mary Shelley made in language, description and setting help to create atmosphere as all the adjectives used are sinister, and help to create an evil atmosphere e. g. lifeless. As there is this evil atmosphere, the audience feel the tension as it seems like something bad is going to happen. It is this tension that makes this scene so crucial to the novel and so different from all the others. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Partial Birth Abortion is Murder Essay -- Argument Argumentative Persu
Partial Birth Abortion is Murder Partial birth abortion is a controversial method of abortion late in a woman’s pregnancy in which the baby is aborted by a craniotomy. Two organizations are commonly affiliated with abortion: Pro-choice supports abortion saying that what is in a woman’s body is her â€Å"property†, while Pro-life believes it is murder of innocent babies. Partial birth abortion is murder of innocent children and an abomination to basic human rights and values. Thesis Statement: Partial birth abortion is murder of innocent babies and an abomination to basic human rights and values. I. The differing sides on Intact D&X are distinctly opposite A. Pro-choice supports abortions 1. Done 650 times a year and only when the mother’s life is endangered or the child is deformed 2. Says the public is mistaken in its knowledge of Intact Dilation and Extraction B. Pro-life doesn’t support abortions of any kind 1. Backed by medical experts it is claimed that 80% of partial birth abortions are purely elective 2. Believes the baby is a living human being and deserves the rights of a human II. There are benefits and harmful consequences to P.B.A. A. Many abortionists claim that the benefits far out way the consequences 1. It is safer, quicker, and easier 2. Intact D&X is less traumatic to the mother B. There are also many harmful effects 1. Risk of uterine and breast cancer is increased 2. Rates of depression also increase III. The issue of partial birth abortion has come into our courtrooms A. Congress made its first attempt to ban P.B.A in 1996 1.Brenda Shafer R.N. testified to what she saw in abortion clinic 2. Congress passed the ban, but President Clinton vetoed the bill B. The second attempt was made in 1997 1. Passed Congress again 2. President Clinton vetoed the bill Imagine being in excruciating pain from a gaping hole in the back of your neck. Then you hear a slight â€Å"whirr†before your brains are sucked out through a tiny tube. Sadly this happens to many babies each day because they are unwanted, inconvenient, or imperfect. The abortionist first delivers the baby breech style except for the head, scissors are then jammed into the head at the base of the skull, and the brains sucked out, the skull then collapses. This procedure is commonly known as partial birth abortion or Intact Dilation and E... ...ference of a couple weeks, and even just a few days separates the abortionist from a murderer, and the procedure from Infanticide. We need to take strong action against not only partial birth abortion, but also abortions of any kind by writing our representatives and senators. References Information Page on Abortion. Retrieved October 17, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Partial Birth Abortion (1996). Retrieved October 17, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Shafer, B. P. (1996, March 21). Hearing on the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act (HR 1833). Retrieved October 23, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Sprang and Neerhof (1998, August 26). Rationale for Banning Abortions Late in Pregnancy. American Medical Association 280 744-747. Retrieved October 19, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Sykes, M. (2000). ‘Late Term’ Confusion, ‘Partial Birth’ Lies. Retrieved October 23, 2000 from the World Wide Web:
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Money Is Not Everything
In fact, poverty is currently one of the major issues in the world. People tend to choose job that has higher salary they can find in order to earn more money for them to spend on, because they think money is everything. Even thought money gives people the opportunity to buy what they need, it does not buy happiness. Job satisfactions are becoming more crucial to achieve happiness in people’s life.Happiness through jobs can be achieved if people choose the job according to their personality and interest in order for them to use their skills and abilities, and sometimes if the job can be done effortless, people tend to encounter boredom and eventually lose motivation. When some people graduated from high school, they choose specific subject field in the university to study. One reason to this is because it gives them the opportunity to establish more understanding and knowledge to what they are interested in for their future career.For example, a graduate law student would most likely want to enter a law related job instead of forestry. People establish skills from what they learned. People also become more active if they are able to work on a task that they are interested on. According to John Holland’s personality-job fit theory, job satisfaction is based on a person’s interest. Their interests came from different types of personality they have. People will ultimately be successfully if they choose a job that best suits their talents and abilities. Therefore, being successful will lead them to a higher-paying job that gives them pleasure.Some people may be luckily enough to have a job that does not require much of an effort but still pays high. However, in a short while, these people might find that they are losing motivations, because of the continuous effortlessly tasks to be done. Motivations play a very important role in job. Without motivations, people’s performance will greatly decrease. Also, people will start losing their te amwork spirit and eventually get fired. Having a bit of a challenging job will not only stimulate the employee to work harder, but also be recognized by the company, and therefore be raised for a greater amount of salary.In fact, according to Stephen P. Robbins, most of the people prefer jobs that offer them a variety of tasks, freedom, and feedback on their performances. Working at jobs that people enjoy makes them more proficient and satisfied with their emotional needs. People should consider their interests and personality fit before they select jobs because both of two characters can motivate the individual potential abilities. It is also recommended that people do personality tests before they search for a new job, therefore, they can find the job they like that they are good at. Money Is Not Everything Money is essential that brings for man all his necessities and luxuries for his comfortable existence. Life without money is undoubtedly a virtual hell, with pangs of hunger and thirst eating into man’s very bones. However, at the same time for man to think that, money is everything, is also a great mistake. Money is necessity only in as much as, it is the thing which buys for us all we need, but, beyond that, money is a harbinger of all sorts of vices. Let us remember that money is to be considered as a means to an end, and not an end in itself. The end, is a comfortable life, and the means is money. If we consider money as a means to our end of having a comfortable life then, we would be seeing money in its proper perspective for without money we can not live as, we are not able to buy anything if we do not have money. So much, so good but, in the present day scenario, money is no more a means to an end but, and in itself. To collect money, to hoard money and become richer and richer has become our sole aim in life. It is here in our outlook towards money that we have erred, and so the disastrous situation we are placed in, is not hidden from any one. Each individual has set a goal of hoarding money and money only, and this also not fixed to a certain amount, we just have to go on and on irrespective of how much we need, for the lust for money has become our very style of life. It is a wild goose chase that we are all indulging in, and that, at the cost of all the rest we had. True, money gives us all that we require but money is not all the only thing that we need to keep happy and fit. There are several other things that make life beautiful and mind that these can not be purchased with any amount of money. For example, a gush of wind from where we take our very breath of life, cannot be purchased at any cost. We can wear the most glamorous dresses but, to give health to that same body, no amount of money is enough. We can buy the thickest and costliest of mattresses with money but, no amount of money can buy for us a good sound, night’s sleep. These few facts are sufficient to awake us to the fact that, there are many other important things that make for a happy life, and money is not all. We should thereby give money only its due importance and not make it all important, for, if we do that, we are certainly going to sacrifice some other vital items of a good life. Now let us analyze to some extent how this money is capable of playing havoc in life. In reality, the position of the society today, is far from being enviable, is largely due to this money mania that has caught hold of the society. Each and every individual is busy in his/her money spinning activities. At this juncture, I would like to mention the fact that in our Hindu mythology, the Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth has an owl for her transport. This is very significant as it is believed that the pursuit of money, as it is today; make an owl of a man. I’d say that we have all become money maniacs, sacrificing every conceivable pleasure on the altar of wealth. Is this not owlish sense? When we lose our equilibrium, we become the significant owls. Today, we have sacrificed the bliss of a happy and contented family in the guise of material luxuries which, we think are all that we need. We have no time to love each other, care for each other or, serve each other in the family because each member of the family is busy in the struggle of making money. In this unit of a family, where, at one time the love we got was an elixir for our tired nerves, is now a missing entity. I suggest that a stage has now come when we must give up our on fighting for money and give it only the amount respect and importance it deserves, it should be treated only as a means to an end, and not an end itself, only then we will be able to strike a balance between the inputs of money and the inputs of other things we need to live a happy and satisfied life.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Professional Integrity - 864 Words
Professional Integrity Professor: Steven Ah By: Ahmed Hammouedeh Date: 03- 02- 2015 Day to day interactions with all the relevant parties in business transactions calls for the individual parties to give due diligence to upholding of ethical behaviour. Ethics, generally defined as the norms of conduct that extricate between unacceptable and acceptable conduct, plays a crucial role in decision-making and to facilitate business transactions efficiently (Brecher, 2013). By being ethical, one is able to obtain a personal advantage, approval and inner benefit given the fact that, virtue serves as its own reward. This is usually the case when faced with two conflicting issues or alternative causes of action that have far reaching†¦show more content†¦Another potential problem that may arise is erosion of the company’s good reputation as a result of faulty motor vehicles that one of the company’s dealers might sell to the customers. In order to make good ethical decisions in the future, it is first important that as an individual, I have to understan d the firm’s organization values. These include evaluating the standards of behaviour that are of most significance to the company and always adhering to these values even in situations that would place me at a competitive disadvantage. This is informed by the fact that ethical action is a consequence of physiological processes: recognition, moral character, motivation and moral focus. Re-evaluation of possible courses of actions before taking a particular decision is also important. This is important since it helps the decision maker reflect on the effect of decisions on the fundamental principles of ethics, the decision maker and all the stake-holders involved. Branding personal reputation as a highly respected ethical leader can be achieved by making use of the information revolution presented by social media. 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