Monday, October 21, 2019
Music Final Essays
Music Final Essays Music Final Paper Music Final Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Of the following, who is a noted woman composer of the Romantic era Amy Cheney Beach Of the following, which was NOT a major theme of Romantic writers idealized heroes of Greece and Rome The favorite subjects for the Romantic poets were love, longing, and nature Of the following, which is NOT a title for Schumanns piano works Rondos Which does NOT characterize Romantic music reserved emotions What is the form of Schumanns In the lovely month of May strophic The art song can be described as representing a union of poetry and music True A German-texted song with piano accompaniment that sets a short lyric poem is called a Lied: The mood of Schumanns In the lovely month of May is joyful and exuberant False The Romantic orchestra was the same size as the Classical orchestra False The Industrial Revolution produced less expensive musical instruments but with no technical improvements False Which is true of Schuberts Erlking It is the masterpiece of his youth It is based on the legend that whoever is touched by the king of the elves must die It presents four characters who are differentiated in the music: Franz Schubert was a thoroughly Romantic composer whose music abandoned the forms and stylistic principles of Classicism False The desire for increased expressiveness in nineteenth-century music is communicated by the composer to the performer through new descriptive terms True A song that is composed from beginning to end without repetitions of whole sections is in strophic form False Exoticism was expressed through the incorporation within a composition of folk music of ones own country False A song form in which the same melody is repeated with every stanza of text is called strophic Nineteenth-century musicians continued to be viewed by society as glorified servants False Franz Schubert composed several song cycles, including Winters Journey The first movement of the Romantic concerto often omitted the orchestra exposition True Which composer is generally considered the greatest pianist and showman of the Romantic era Liszt Of which national school of composition is DvoÃ…â„¢k a representative Czech Although a musical nationalist, Smetana avoided getting involved with the political revolution False Amy Cheney Beach was widely recognized in her lifetime as the leading American woman composer True Which does NOT characterize the scherzo from Beachs Sonata in A minor Placed third in the four-movement cycle: Nineteenth-century Russian composers have a strong tradition of utilizing folk tales as the basis of their compositions True Liszt joined Chopin in transforming the _____ from a piano exercise into a poetic mood piece à ©tude Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an example of program music String Quartet in B-flat major DvoÃ…â„¢ks Symphony No 9 was inspired by Goethes Faust: False Nationalism found natural expression in music, among other arts True Who was the first internationally acclaimed American composer of classical music Louis Moreau Gottschalk Of the following, who did NOT write a major concerto in the Romantic era Schubert Who is the German-born conductor who set up a concert series across the United States and also established New York Citys second professional orchestra Theodore Thomas Gottschalks The Banjo is in a modified sonata form False Pianist Clara Schumann gave the first performances of her husband Roberts important works, and also became known as a leading interpreter of the music of Brahms and Chopin True The melody of the African-American Spiritual Swing Low, Sweet Chariot is suggestive of the third theme in the first movement of DvoÃ…â„¢ks New World Symphony: The melody of Chopins Prelude in E minor moves in disjunct motion through a wide range False Berlioz was awarded the Prix de Rome, during which time he wrote his Symphonie fantastique True The most important keyboard instrument of the Romantic period was the piano: Incidental music to a play is generally considered to be absolute music False Of the following, which does NOT describe symphony composition in the Romantic era Composers wrote more symphonies than their Classical counterparts The finale to Symphonie fantastique projects a satanic character True Franz Liszt described the style of his music, along with that of Wagner and Berlioz, as the music of the future True Mendelssohn played an important role in the revival of music by which Baroque composer Bach In the nineteenth century, where did serious American musicians complete their studies in Europe The Harlem Renaissance was an early twentieth-century movement that promoted the creative efforts of African Americans True The symphony was a new genre in the Romantic era False Clara Schumanns later creative activities were supported by the devotion of which composer Brahms A piece of program music for orchestra in one movement which, through several contrasting sections, develops a poetic idea or suggests a scene or mood is called a symphonic poem: The typical Romantic symphony has four movements True Which of the following did NOT characterize salons They were generally hosted by wealthy male aristocrats: Titles such as Prelude, Impromptu, and Intermezzo are used for short, lyric piano pieces: Which best describes the style of the third movement of Brahmss Symphony No 3 a melancholic waltz Brahmss Symphony No 3is a program symphony False Chopin spent most of his productive life in Paris: Popular music has recently become a vehicle for the voice of women composers True Which movement of a symphony is traditionally the slowest the second movement The scherzo is a lively, dancelike movement in duple meter False William Grant Still was an African-American composer who sought musical inspiration from his native heritage True One of the leitmotifs from Wagners Die Walkà ¼re is the magic fire music True The habanera is a dance song of Cuban origin True Puccinis Madame Butterfly is a tragic tale of a Japanese geisha and a U: S: naval officer: Which description best characterizes a part song a short, secular song for three or four voice parts Brahmss German Requiem was intended for performance in the Catholic Church False The focal point of Wagnerian music drama is the voice False Impressionist music is often characterized as a reaction to all of the above: Ravels art reflects the twin goals of Impressionism and Neoclassicism True Which of the following was NOT characteristic of Impressionist music accents on the first beat of each measure Which of the following statements is NOT true about Romantic choral music Only professional singers participated in nineteenth-century choruses Which of the following countries was NOT a leading opera center in the nineteenth century England Tchaikovskys Nutcracker is based on a story by E T A Hoffmann Stravinskys The Soldiers Tale is a ballet What was the name of the Paris-based Russian ballet impresario who commissioned Stravinsky to write ballets Diaghilev Singing in a chorus generally requires a different skill than playing in an orchestra True Which of the following is the Cuban dance song that Bizet set as an aria in Carmen habanera Opera provided composers with a good outlet for their interest in far-off lands True The text for Fanny Mendelssohn Hensels Under the Greenwood Tree was taken from Shakespeares As You Like It: The Waltz of the Flowers is the climax of The Nutcracker ballet True Ravel was attracted to many styles of dance music True The librettist for Verdis Otello was Boito Debussy considered Wagners music dramas to be ponderous and tedious True French poets responded to Impressionism in painting by developing a new literary style called Symbolism Debussy was much influenced by non-Western music he heard at the Paris World Exhibition of 1889 True Puccinis opera Madame Butterfly, with its Japanese melodies and pentatonic and whole-tone scales, is an example of exoticism True Ravels _____ sets texts from The Arabian Nights Shà ©hà ©razade Ballet became an independent art form in the nineteenth century True The form of How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place, the fourth movement of Brahmss German Requiem, is best described as A-B-A-C-A, or rondo Brahmss German Requiem has _____ movements seven In Rigoletto, Verdi turns away from tuneful melodies to heighten the dramatic action False Schumann wrote his song cycle A Poets Love during his year of song, in which he wrote hundreds of Lieder and he also married Clara (Wieck) Schumann: True The melody in twelve-tone music is called a tone row Of the following, which describes formalism Formal considerations are valued over expressive ones. What was the name of the Paris-based Russian ballet impresario who commissioned Stravinsky to write ballets Diaghilev Stravinskys The Soldiers Tale is a ballet Klangfarbenmelodie refers to a style that gives each note of a melody to a different instrument Neoclassical composers preferred absolute music and forms to program music True Stravinskys ballets all achieved immediate popularity with their audiences. False In The Royal March from Stravinskys The Soldiers Tale, the meter remains constant throughout False Bergs music owes much to the influence of Arnold Schoenberg True It is thought that Mahlers conversion to Catholicism was prompted primarily to avoid anit-Semitism in Vienna. Weberns Symphony, Opus 21, uses many contrapuntal procedures True Weberns Symphony, Opus 21, combines serial technique with traditional forms True Who composed the opera Peter Grimes Britten Bart à ³k found that eastern European folk music was based on ancient modes, unfamiliar scales,non-symmetrical rhythms. Which nineteenth-century American composer is best remembered for his popular ballads and minstrel show tunes Stephen Foster Which of the following instruments would you NOT find in a standard mariachi band clarinet Which of the following is NOT a ballet by Aaron Copland Our Town While composing in his spare time, Charles Ives made his living as an insurance executive. Shape-note notation was used to help music reading for the general public True The music of Charles Ives was very popular and performed frequently during his lifetime False William Grant Still composed the first symphony by an African American to be performed by a major American orchestra True Like Copland and Prokofiev, Revueltas wrote music for films True Which does NOT characterize the blues It is a form of African folk music. What American city is considered the birthplace of jazz New Orleans Billie Holidays song Billies Blues demonstrates ________ form 16-bar blues The principal exponent of cool jazz was trumpeter Miles Davis. What is the form of Gershwins Piano Prelude No1 : A-B-A The popular style that is characterized by vocal patter against a syncopated rhythmic accompaniment is rap. The Irish rock group of the late 1980s interested in political activism was U2. The Whos Tommy is an example of rock opera. Bernsteins West Side Story updates the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues to that between The Jets and the Sharks. The term loosely applied to various styles of Afro-Cuban dance music is Salsa. Ragtime was named for its ragged, highly syncopated rhythms and melodies True Cajuns and Creoles stem from the same ethnic background and share similar musical influences False Art rock or progressive rock was largely a British style True A new style that emerged during the 1950s that was a union of African American rhythm-blues, country western, and pop was called bebop False Rock is characterized by a strong, steady beat in a triple meter False The use of preexisting literary sources such as books and plays for the plots of musicals helped the new genre to gain maturity and permanence True New Orleans jazz depended on simultaneous improvisations by the players, which created a polyphonic texture True Big-band swing represented the dominant form of American popular music in the 1930s and 1940s True The jazz technique of playing short melodic ostinatos, or riffs, derives from African call-and-response patterns. True The musical has remained exclusively an American art form, not attempted by composers of other countries False
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